Stuffed! The Worlds Greatest Food! - Shatteraura, therealfalconpawnch7 and Caruso's Submission

The goal was to make Evelyn the Critic love your restaurant, since she’s the only “Antagonist” in the game. Happy to hear that you’re enjoying the game though :smiley:

Absolutely, I’m just taking a short break then I will likely be reworking the whole game to be smoother and bug free :slight_smile:

Hmmm that is odd, did deselecting them by re clicking on their staff cards work at all for you? Or did the issue appear if you re called staff members from tables?

Indeed you hit the end, which was implemented about 2 hours before the end of the whole jam at 4am my local time, just had no time to say “You Win!” lol. Congrats on beating it (I am also happy to hear it is possible to beat it as I was so busy fixing things I couldnt even test it properly ^^’’)

Hope the team continue this project! It`s a fun game

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yes, I tried the method that you said but nothing happened.

Very odd O.o I will be working on a new version of this game. Fingers crossed I will be able to solve all the issues. I will give special attention to the selecting and deselecting of staff members to make sure this issue doesnt come back up! - Thank you for giving the game a try regardless!


Well, I look forward to the next update :smile:

also, the game you fellas made is Amazing

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I’ve ID’d the cause of the selection bug. If you have a staff member selected and then press the arrow(s) to change tabs, that staff member gets put into a quantum state of simultaneously being selected and not selected. This can’t be fixed in-game, and requires a restart. Otherwise they just sit there taking pay and being unusable. I was having fun until this bug killed 3 runs in a row.


I would love to see this game get more development, maybe make a franchise mode after completing the first objective of fatting up the critic and open more restaurants and fatten up other types or characters like a news reporter and other types or influencing characters. As such as with each new store the character Ashleigh could get fatter as the player fatten up those influencing character as the player moves to a new restaurants

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Very cool idea, so the good news is that the game is getting a rework from the ground up to at least get it into a completed state. I am unsure how far I want to go in terms of additional content, though there will certainly be more options and challenges for a slightly longer game! Hopefully you will enjoy the new version when it comes out :smiley: — Thanks for playing :slight_smile:

I’ve finished the game and I really enjoyed it, personally I really love the characters art and storyline is also very lovely! I hope you guys keep the project going!

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I’ve found a temporary fix to the “double staff selection” glitch. If you click “HIRE” on a vacant square, you can select the box that was glitching and not responding and presto, it should deselect. Hiring a new staff puts them in the original “HIRE” box so no more repercussions from that (hopefully)


this game does not like 4:3 screen ratio at all


Indeed, sorry about that! The new version that is in development should be able to handle most resolutions no problem. Hopefully you will be interested in coming back and playing it when it’s ready :slight_smile:

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Grotlover2 Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 10000 |

| Art: | 180 |

| Writing: | 175 |

| Concept/Design | 450 |

| Msc: | 100 |

| Total: | 10905 |


I like the concept of a fetish management game but from what I have seen here I am not sure what is quite going on. The game does have some mechanics but almost no depth and its hard to tell if its mainly issues with the core design, balance, or the simple lack of feedback which makes it difficult to understand and learn the games mechanics. Over all its kind of bland and needs some more work concept wise but I feel is a good starting point to build off of.

Jux Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 10000 |

| Art: | 172 |

| Writing: | 175 |

| Concept/Design | 590 |

| Msc: | 100 |

| Total: | 11037 |


Pretty barebones mechanically speaking - it didn’t seem like there was any benefit or detriment for using ‘skinny’ or fat servers. Their wages went up but I couldn’t determine any other effect. That being said, I did like the overall game. With more work it will be a fun project.

Kilif Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 10000 |

| Art: | 70 |

| Writing: | 165 |

| Concept/Design | 270 |

| Msc: | 10 |

| Total: | 10515 |


I feel like this game could have used a lot more time to work on its mechanics/design, as what is here is extremely bare bones. These’s an impressive amount of artwork, but the gameplay itself is extremely lacking. I just kept playing every waitress until I ran out of AP and then just hired new ones if I did run out, and was still winning without any risk of failure. If there was any underlying matchup game with the customer traits and the waitress traits, it wasn’t clear, but even if there was, it wasn’t necessary to excel at the game. Furthermore, I feel like the use of the theme here was not there. The only thing I even noticed was that heavier waitresses seemed to perform better, though replace that with a “level” stat and the game play doesn’t change in the slightest.

I feel like what might have been more interesting is to have customer profiles, so that if the waitress you send out is more in line with the profile, they get more money. This could be extended to managing the waitresses’ weight so that having both heavy and thin staff would be beneficial.

S&S Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 10000 |

| Art: | 190 |

| Writing: | 250 |

| Concept/Design | 870 |

| Msc: | 120 |

| Total: | 21430 |


Squirrel Score

| Category | Total |

| —: | :–|

| Basics: | 10000 |

| Art: | 170 |

| Writing: | 110 |

| Concept/Design | 610 |

| Msc: | 60 |

| Total: | 10950 |


There’s a fun concept in there and the use of the fetish coupled with the growing staff and critic growing as she warmed up to your food was great fun. Management games are always interesting when coupled with fetish aspects. A rewarding game and premise.


Art: 782

Writing: 875

Sound: 0

Design: 2790

Total: 54837