Stuffers Town Help wanted!

Welcome to Stuffers Town – A Unique Visual Novel Experience!

Hi I’m a programmer that tried to make a VN but noticed that drawing all scenes, expression, pozes etc. takes a lot of time. well i cant draw so i used ai but noticed the lack of consistency.

To takle this problem i thought of slicing up character as body parts so you can re-use a leg. like a anime style characters when the hair and eyecolor are diffrent the base body is the same… so if you also cut up the outfits and using layers to change colors or match them you’ll get more style with “less” work.

So when you dynamicly load in these pices (without using a ton of Show commands) you could also change the roll of the charcter in the scene.

so let say charA is tempted somewere “it”(like she) could become a feeder, but if temped by food “it” could become a feedee.
then meeting charB depending on the role “it” wil react differnt. but ten replaying the scene as CharB you could change “it” rol…

also the interaction between chars can take place as outside of the story but only your interactions make them meet or whatever…

this is mainly because of my prefrens for the genre as a feedee role like (Fill Me Up). or the Ellie route in FMA.

now i need someone to help me realise this idea (the tool or earlyer referded to as innovative system) is therfore still in development.
a single pose and some assets (not mine) are used for testing, the reason i dont want to share any screenshot. not wanting to offend the owners of the art.

for story writers… well as you can tell from this text and then previous attempt to letour friend Chat help i could use some assistens. but when the engine would be workable it would be fun to add characters and then interactc with the existing story as new ones. but i would first like to complete the character creating thing so you can idd easly make the story.

its all in renpy, the usage would be by changing the object. like

show screen Charleft(Veronica)

and it changes it
with the


she will also change expression and give a reaction (from a list of reactions on foods of liking)
and if full she will refuse to eat it. and give a expression and dialog.

then when you’re story unfolds

$ Veronica.face = Faces.normal or Veronica.changeFace("normal")
$ Veronica.c("let her say this")

so because everything is made up of layers to add angry as a face "the 4 ( " and a bit of positioning per character to give them a little more uniqueness
and everyone van become angry

Hopefully this is a better way of introducing my idea/prototype so that we could make Stuffers Town real!

please igone the first reaction of the Chat thing. i’m not deleting them because i did take it as harsh… and i would like all youre honest opinions

And asking help from artist to “make you’re story/comic come alive”


Not gonna lie, I feel like 99% of the post was written by ChatGPT…


I have the same feeling. I don’t want to seem harsh, but it feels very generic.
The patreon link doesn’t even direct to an actual page…


As a developer, I’ve built an innovative system for dynamic character creation. By slicing characters into body parts and rendering them for various poses and sizes, I can create dynamic, customizable characters that bring comic-style art to life.

[…] I’m a programmer, not an artist. If you’re a comic artist who dreams of seeing your characters animated in a visual novel, I’d love to collaborate with you to bring Stuffers Town to life.

Very suspicious staments that almost contradict. I’d believe this about an “innovative system” if you could at the very least show a prototype, but this reads like one of those thinly-veiled cons for free art. Hell, you haven’t even said which engine you’re gonna use like Ren’Py or how do you intend to code this project, and your only other activity in the forums was May 28, on this reply, the very first day you made an account for the forum. I’m sorry if I’m coming down harsh with the skepticism but this is all really strange.


Its true im not that active on the form. And english issnt my first language.
so i used tools to make it “better” not knowing how to ask. (Was afraid of recations like these that made these desicions)

Still my idea is real and i build a tool that i think could help to easly change your “comics” into more VN styles.

But mabey the lack of english and art made me try this,

Same as patroen havent used it accept as a member. Now trying to see if it could contribute to the development.

Im not out for free art just willing to relalise my idea and story’s

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