Sun Haven

What do you think of Sun Haven? It’s on steam I like it and the town people keep sending my farmer food. I think this game has the potential to become a good game and it also has the potential to have a weight gain mod to be added to it.


Why does the concept and artstyle remind me of Stardew Valley?

it has stardew valley elements added to it? It’s really fun to play.

I can say if it is similar to Stardew (Which it looks that way) I would rather spend 9$ than 25$. On top of that there is most likely a lot better mod support on top of that.


I would agree Stardew Valley has a ton of mods for it already. Including weight gain mods Stardew Fatties: Various standalone mods(with more on their discord server).

It alteast doesn’t seem to be a straight Stardew Valley clone with some fantasy elements and the combat looks to be more fleshed out, but at 24 bucks for early access probably going to turn away quite a few people. I know for me personally the low cost to entry for Stardew and the quality was something that drew me to it originally.

Here is what they posted

I know people said the price was too high but that is the answer they posted.

looks like they are not going to lower the price yet the [developer] answer the question in that post.

if you see the discord they have it is full of people talking and playing the game.

I ended up trying the game out and I gotta say I do like it, it just needs to have more content added to the game to be worth that price. I would love to see mods of the game in a distant future maybe once the game is more solidified in its game development.