Kept’cha waiting, huh? Well strap your butts in, because I have an I D E A.
I actually have an entire document for this concept that’s been fermenting for a while, but it’s through the lense of a Sonic fangame, and considering the current situation it’d be best to redress it for the sake of survival. And frankly, I’m too lazy right now!
In any case, if you couldn’t tell by the title, it’s YET ANOTHER RPG, this one probably starring furries. It would follow a gang of athletic heroes as they are unknowingly sucked into another dimension, filled with weirdness, zaniness, and all SORTS of expandy goodness! The King and Queen of this land want to fatten them up for dinner, so they must fight their way out and hopefully stop this abduction scheme once and for all!
As mentioned before, this will play more like Earthbound/Mother 2 than anything else. You run all over an overworld and run into enemies on the map, with the opportunity to back-attack or BE back-attacked. Battles, on the other hand, are more akin to final fantasy, with both sides of the conflict visible on the battlefield.
The game’s stats, ripped straight from the doc, would be:
- Fitness: The health stat, plain and simple. It’s how much health a character has.
- Brains: The mana bar by another name. It is the amount of Red Star Power (mana by another name) a character has be default.
- Muscle: The physical attack stat, dictating how much damage physical attacks deals to the target.
- Bones: The physical defense stat, dictating how much damage physical attacks deals to themselves.
- Wits: The stat that determines how much power special moves have.
- Smarts: The stat that calculates how much resistance one has to special moves.
- Speed: Speed! Imagine that! It determines in what order characters will perform during a round.
- Guts: A stat that dictates the chance of performing critical hits, while simultaneously calculating how much resistance one has to them. It seems familiar somehow…
The classes I have in mind are a mage, a shaman, a fighter, a tinker and a monk. Feel free to guess which stats go to which!
Of course, the main selling point and stand-out mechanic of this game would be The Expansions. Various items, attacks and hazards in the game will cause the victim to expand in one of four ways. Each form of expansion will decrease two stats and in crease two others, while cutting into one’s speed, requiring one to think differently about how that character will operate during the battle.
There is also a limit to how much one can expand. Both party members and enemies can bloat up to three stages, with the stat effects growing stronger with each stage, before they reach their limit and explode, knocking them out instantly.
For each stage of expansion, the stat changes are as follows;
- Stage one: Bloated; looks a bit pudgier than normal. Boosts two stats by ¼, decreases others by ¼. Reduces speed to 3/4.
- Stage two: Ballooned; quite big, round and full. Boosts and de-boosts increase to 1/3. Speed is reduced to 2/3.
- Stage three: Burstable; little more than a massive struggling globe. Boosts and de-boosts are increased to ½ of a character’s normal stats. Speed is reduced to ½.
The four expansion ailments are:
- Force Feeding: The subject is fed massive amounts of food in short amounts of time, making them quite fat in the process. This boosts muscle and bones, but weakens wits and smarts.
- Gas Inflation: The subject is pumped up with massive amounts of gas, turning them into a living balloon. This boosts one’s offenses, but cripples one’s defenses.
- Berry Bloating: The subject becomes bloated with fruit juice by any number of means, slowly blowing them up into a massive fruit. This increases wits and smarts, but weakens muscle and bones.
- Water Logging: The subject is filled with excessive amounts of liquid, rendering them a water balloon. This powers up both defenses, but lowers one’s offenses.
These ailments are all mutually exclusive. Someone who’s gas-inflated cannot be force-fed, for example. Party members aren’t the only ones who can be afflicted; many enemies can be expanded as well.
Some moves can only be accessed when expanded in a certain way, and will be greyed out if such requirements aren’t met.
One can gain stages of expansion both in battle and on the overworld, putting items that add stages into consideration. Being expanded to any stage doesn’t affect overworld interactions, beyond the danger of being an easier target for on-field enemies.
I’ll update this post as my funk dies down. Until then, feel free to comment, critique, and suggest!