Skel here, got a copy of RPGMZ from a lovely friend, and I am now workin steadily on an inflation RPG It’s been fun so far, and I’ve got already quite a few characters, locations, and a general storyline worked up.
But, I’d like to get some thoughts on a potential magic/inflation system for battles. Fights would be turn-based, sideview, kinda like older Final Fantasy or the Lunar games(big inspiration!).
Basic concept is that each party member has a move that lets them inflate either themselves or others, and the larger they get- the higher capacity for spells, and higher tier of them that are useable. Ie: Poison dart hits just 1 foe with a small caster, 2 with big, 3-4 with Huge; and suchlike for other abilities. The craziest spells would require being near-bursting to use at first, but would get easier over time.
The downside to being super huge is that movement is tough, and you’re susceptible to popping via enemies or overinflating.
Capacity upgrades would be found or unlocked throughout the world, and there’d be items for instant blowups during fights too.
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-You can take Shoji on Naruto : Round and roll on you enemis
-Absorb damage and reflect it:
-Concentrated attack such as a flamethrower, water or fire attack.
-Timed auto destruction.
-Belly dance: dance and swell and enemies cannot attack during this time (for a dancer for example.)
-Force-feeding: a character eats to much and distributes the energy he accumulates to care for his companions over time.
-Swallow : Swallows an opponent and prevents them from acting during this time.damage over time against the enemies, if the fight stops and the enemy is in the stomach the fight is won, if the character keeps it too long he is forced to spit it out and cannot play between 1 and 3 turns.
I’m going to stop there because I don’t know if I understood correctly what you’re asking. I know you’re talking about inflation but I’m taking any way for as round a belly as possible
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Oooh love the ideas! The absorbing and belly dances were things I hadn’t even considered, and the vore bit is pretty dang cool too.
I was asking more about how inflation and abilities should be managed, like with a mana system or the concept I laid out, but I’m not sure how well that came across lol. Regardless, I do really appreciate the thoughtful response!!
A few inflation abilities I had are:
-Healing an ally with a blowkiss
-Inflating to belly bump a bad guy
Chugging a ton of beer to get bloated and raise attack
-Darts that inflate enemies and let them take more damage, and more!