Survey: Game and fetish preferences

Thanks ! I’m the one who answered “I love video game” X)

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I love that most of my answers are outliers. That just makes my day


Apparently, a lot of voters are homophobes, yet hypocritically enjoy the concept of seeing two women go at it. What a bunch of depraved assholes. Two men being together grosses you out, but two women doing it is okay? I don’t mean it in terms of a fetish game. If that’s your real-life opinion, get bent. You have no right to judge someone when you have such a closed mind…(Secondarily, I’m not against hermaphroditic characters; I wouldn’t personally be opposed to seeing my player avatar with a decently-attractive one, who identified as female) Whatever the case may be…shrug It’s up to you what you like, and how much you share about yourself. If you answered any of the questions on the last page, you’re putting yourself in a massive security risk. Just for the record.

On a less-ranty note, I wanted to share something: apparently, I’m in the minority on both kinds of vore (in that, as willing prey, I’d be fine with being eaten either whole or in pieces). Odd. I’m sure I’d taste good if you used the right spices and additives (no artificial ingredients, please! I’m 100% organic, and intend to be eaten as such!) Yeah, I know this isn’t Eka’s Portal, just wanted to share that and this: On one of the questions, it asks you to rank each of the body parts by your level of preference from highest to lowest-why can’t we allocate all of our points to one? I’d just put all of them into the belly, along with all of the weight gain.

I don’t think a lot of voters are homophones. if you don’t like seeing/reading gay fetish content/porn then you just don’t. it doesn’t mean you have a particular opinion about gay people.

well I didn’t think someone would only like one part of the body (also I don’t know how I would do that)

also how is answering questions about your favorite non-fetish games or whatever a security risk?


The last page asks very personal questions, and it gets too close for my liking. Very creepy levels of “What age were you when this happened?” or “Where did you live when this happened?” Not cool. I understand that they don’t want to see fetish material that involves two guys, but at the same time…

Keep in mind the high heterosexual male demographic that the survey recorded – there was even another, smaller survey done on the site that provided a similar statistic for gender. I certainly won’t lie to you, I also feel like some kind of outlier when I see how many sites typically features female figures/bodies as their primary focus, Eka’s included, but that’s just how it is. At least here, the male bashing is close to non-existant, so I wouldn’t take “Hate” on the poll’s scale as “this shouldn’t exist” so much as it just means that “I’d personally rather not see it.” Trust me, this site is much more accepting of male-centered stuff – the “worst” that typically happens is that male-focused posts just get much less attention than female-focused ones.

As for your security breach message, I can assure you that nobody here is some kind of villain who plans to hop into their top-secret time machine and harass people during their childhood over their taste in games. The best part too? Every part of the survey is optional, so whether you answer only a single question or all of them, the choice is up to you, the unanswered sections will simply have less data to pull from. Many of the questions can seem much more on the personal side so I’d advise people to answer whatever they’re comfortable with, no different from any other survey.

Still appreciated that you took the time to answer the survey all the same though, so thank you for at least seeing it though despite your misgivings on some of the questions and the provided answers!


I appreciate your response, and your calm/patience. I overreacted, and feel bad for it-I didn’t really think about the overall message being sent. I thought it was straight-up hate (I would’ve just gone with ‘neutral’ rather than ‘I hate this’, given the options, but thinking back, if we’re talking about something someone will necessarily see more of, it could be read differently). I have a habit of jumping to conclusions when I’m not able to directly discern someone’s reasons for either asking a question or responding a certain way.

As to the last bit, I get a little paranoid. I know I got carried away, but it still irked me, the way the questions were worded, and the fact that you could only input a number, rather than a full answer.

Your appreciation is appreciated. I just felt like the survey could’ve been handled much better than it was.

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Just a note, but this is NOT the site to be slinging wild, unsubstantiated accusations of homophobia. Any repeat offense will be handled accordingly.

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Might be bad timing (and kinda late), but gay men (or even just male-focused lewd content) in porn games gross me out. That’s a fact.
It’s not homophobia, it’s just gross to me. I like women.
If there’s two women, then that’s double the women, which is double the good to my pee pee. :+1:
If a porn game I’m playing decides to put some mandatory focus on male-focused or gay content, I’m out, simple as that. If I’m a Patron for said game, I’ll pull that, too, unless the rest of the game’s good enough and I can rush through the dude stuff quickly enough.

People like things. People dislike things. Just because someone hates dudes in their porn games, doesn’t mean they go out and burn pride flags and bully LGB+ people on Twitter.
I voted “hate” because male/gay content turns my Mini-Me into a Nano-Me; it soils my interest in lewd games, and that’s a fact.


When it comes to arguments (if you want to even call it that), I strongly prefer to start off reasonable and calm since a large proportion of them often come from a place of misunderstanding, so I’d feel just as bad getting mad at you over your post without digging into your reasoning first! Like I said, I understand where you’re coming from considering since I’ve been in that mindset myself - and may even still fall into it from time to time - so can only appreciate your willingness to back down from it just as much as your participation! As kilif mentioned, accusations of most kinds without proof are generally frowned upon, so likewise, I’m sure undue male-bashing would get the same kind of punishment here!

@SRP Well said! That’s ultimately what it comes down to for me – I personally don’t mind women, but I guess they’re just too…“popular” for me to be interested in, as silly as it sounds? There’s much more to it than that, I suppose, but that’s the best way I can probably describe it without turning this post into a dissertation.

As I mentioned though, I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t feel disappointed at times with how little I feel I can connect with others over sexual preferences but as long as people are indeed avoiding going around and bashing/harassing others to the extreme for their interests - homo or hetero - then I’ll just simply roll with things regardless. You may enjoy two women, I may enjoy two men but it’s all good porn to someone all the same~ :ok_hand:


Understood. I’ll keep from repeating the mistake. I made a rash decision, and you definitely got the point across. I realize that I was stupid, and I’ll be very, very careful from here on. And I’m rambling at this point, so simply put: I’ll shut up now.

Nobody is from Albania, it’s just that there is a color key for every country and red is both Albania and United States.
I’m so glad that I managed to see what direction the scale was going on the second page (I think) because I was answering the opposite. I’ve taken like 100 surveys because I did a lot for money and it is very uncommon to see the positive rating on the left. This is also one of the most detailed surveys I’ve taken, which I generally prefer because it means they are really understanding me, but a lot of things were not well written and quite a few word choices were confusing such as “not deep” and “not very deep” being unclear in meaning. Usually, saying not very deep is more like saying “this is shallow” but it seems like you were trying to say “not too deep”. Using negatives to describe the depth of the subject just doesn’t work well in general, it would be better to say simple and less simple.

Some voting on things seems extreme. For example, I don’t understand why micro/macro would be so hated as it is a pretty neutral fetish, but the term can be quite confusing. I think people were voting in a manner to get things over with so they were more likely to put hate for things they didn’t understand rather than considering how much they truly dislike or figuring out what terms mean. When I first started taking surveys, I definitely remember struggling to fill things out accurately in my first few surveys and this is a difficult one to start with.

Very good survey. If only I could be bothered to stop being lazy and learn how to make games, I would try to make use of it, lol.

Just wanted to say thank you for the survey. I just finished it a little bit ago. As a fellow game maker, getting to look at the results you shared certainly helps when looking at what people like and dont like in a game.