Swords and Gluttony

Oh dear. My screen is massive so it looks comically small on my end. I wouldn’t have expected an issue there, thanks for letting me know.
It should be easy to fix.

General Progress Update: I’m making my own simple text parser for the story dialogue, so it will smoothly account for race and gender and all that and navigate through the prewritten dialogue.


General Progress Update~
The next version is out. Here’s what’s different:

Bugs Squashed:

  • Fixed memory leak on status window creation.
  • Removed ability to spawn many status windows.

Features Added:

  • Added placeholder background images.
  • Made custom parser for story text.
  • Customized main dialogue box.
  • Wrote and implemented first draft of the story intro


  • Couldn’t figure out that thing about the text being too big for the boxes on some devices. Scroll bars are already implemented for the text boxes, and I can’t see any problems on my end… Idk, keep me posted.

When you make the window full screen, the game doesn’t actually get bigger


The text size and full-screen not actually changing the size of the game are the only issues with the current release. You’re doing a fantastic job.
I’d also just like to point out that, when you unzip the download, you get a folder containing a smaller zipped file. Inside of that is the actual game, and there aren’t any actual problems, but it was funny to me that there was a zip file in a zip file.


Omg :rofl:. Is it bad that I have no idea how such a thing like nested zip files came to be? :rofl:

I’ll work on the window resizing. Hopefully it isn’t a pain. :sweat_smile:

Also, for my curiosity, what sort of device are you playing on–screen size and such? I think knowing might help me figure out the oversized text issue.


I have a problem.
Whenever I get to the “The temples spread word across the continent of the arrival of the demon lord of flies,” part, the Next button no longer works. If I scroll down and press it, it just takes me back to the top.
It’s honestly very frustrating.

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Fiddled with it a bit. However im having the same issue as insert-jojo-reference. I wonder if this is a bug or if im missing something.

Well i can still fire a few off.

The bonuses from backgrounds are nice. However i think the cleric one might be a little over powered, not sure as i could not get to actual gameplay but here is my reasoning. Party A has nothing but cleric’s as a result revival is fee free and that snowballs in savings to be applied to stockpiling usable items or grinding.

I noticed the litile graphical representation of the player i assume it will bloat and morph to match them.

About transformation’s. You are right it is a bottomless pit if you are not careful! You mentioned the code structure is there already though… Have you thought about allowing client side modding? That way you are not the one falling down the rabbit hole.

lastly about dungeons or rather a specific type of dungeon will there be an “infinate” dungeon best example i can think of is in ADOM though no clue how to put that in words will try though in that example there was a dungeon that changed each time you went up or down a floor meaning it was a new floor every time

Ah. That’s where the current progress stops. Should I have mentioned it? It’s not broken, there just isn’t any more story or functionality yet. Sorry for the frustration.

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The current content doesn’t extend past that text yet. Sorry for the confusion.

I understand free revival sounds broken. I think I can balance it depending on what revival “costs”. Money, items, experience, stats, relationship progress, and weight are all potential options. If it does end up broken, I’ll change it then.

Yes, the player sprite will change over time. That’s one of the reasons I made it so simple for now. The other reasons are effort and talent.

I would have to look into client-side modding. Currently I have no idea how I would do that. The answer to the infinite dungeon is pretty much the same. I haven’t ever really been in one, so I’m not sure if I want to include any. But I think it would be a good idea to make some things procedural generated. It’ll save me some work in the long run.


Hey Idk what the problem is but for whatever the reason is, I cant get past the first few lines of text no matter how many times I clicked next. Ive tried a reinstall but still no luck, any advice I could use to get past this?


are there things that can focus weight gain onto specific parts of the body?

Sorry, all. I think this one is dropped. I’ve no time and not enough motivation to make time.


are you the same person who did forest and shack?
if you would be willing to create a game, can you use that clothing system?

Being the potato i am with computers, can someone please give a more simplified and thorough description on how to download and run this game?

This game was cancelled at quite an early time in fact only a introduction to what the game was going to be about exists


so no game to play right?
it got dropped?

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I’m flattered you liked the clothing system. I liked it too. I’ll include something like that the next time I make a game that so much as mentions clothing.


im about to take a little looksie at this game

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Well just don’t set your expectations too high the game was cancelled before any gameplay

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