Tales of the Gluttonous v0.2.3 - Expansion Fetish System for Tales of the Valiant

Tales of the Valiant is a D&D 5e like system created and released in the wake of the massive OGL fiasco in 2023. Created by the biggest 3rd party provider of 5e content, The Kobold Press, ToV may be more immediately recognizable by the name Project Black Flag. As one of the many backers of the project’s kickstarter, I have been tinkering with and working on an expansion fetish module to tie into its release since the project was first announced. And now with the release of Tales of the Valiant on May 10th (2024), I present Tales of the Gluttonous! Tales of the Gluttonous is designed to cater to the wants of all manner of expansion based fetishes from weight gain and breast expansion to vore and inflation.

It’s that time again and i have far more to show off than i expected! If i can keep this pace up, i’ll have the full 0.2 update complete just in time for the 1 year anniversary of this project being public. All i have left to do now is finish off Warlock and Wizard and then i’ll feel comfortable getting a round of subclasses pushed forward for each class. Full change log for this update includes:

  • Paladin
    • 2 new Heroic Boons
    • 1 new Epic Boon
  • Ranger
    • Added Errata for Explorer
    • 2 new Heroic Boons
    • 1 new Epic Boon
  • Rogue
    • Added Errata for Cunning Action
    • 2 new Heroic Boons
    • 1 new Epic Boon
  • Sorcerer
    • 2 new Heroic Boons
    • 1 new Epic Boon
  • Warlock
    • 1 new Pact Boon and Enhanced Boon
    • 1 new Heroic Boon

If you would like to keep up with future updates, set up or join campaigns, or just hang around for some erp, you can join my discord server:


Here is a spell point variant I ran with some people. I do enjoy the 5e spell point variant with new players, as it adds a familiar ‘mana’ idea to DND. Also, there is a skill check I added for every kind of the 6 stats. I hope to add spells, actions, stat blocks, etc in the future. It needs more play tests to balance like any good dnd homebrew, so I hope you will enjoy this version with your fellow players and DM’s and I hope to improve upon it in the future. Feel free to tell me the good, bad, and thicc of what you like so we can make this even better.
Tales of the Gluttonous v0.2.2 spell point.pdf (360.4 KB)

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