TES V: Skyrim | Character, Roleplaying, & Screen-Archery Thread

Letter To Marcus Rutilus - I

Chloelia Ahenobarbus Rutilus, “Retired” Archeologist & Adventurer
27th of Last Seed, 4E201

Hi, dad. Sorry I haven’t wrote to you in a while. You always knew how I liked to spend my freetime when I was young, so I hope you understand that some alone time has done my mind and spirit good, but…

My guys have been kind enough to not mention it, but I know they’ve noticed. I mean, how couldn’t they? I’ve went from a 6 pack to… 600 pounds!

…and before you say it isn’t that bad, it really is. Honestly I don’t know how I had it in me. If any of my peers from The Imperial University got to see me now I think they would be beside themselves after how smug I carried myself. It’s humbled me (a little bit).

Long story short, I’m not the woman I was 6 years ago. Retirement really did me in. Before I’d call them “noodle-armed” because they didn’t have any biceps. Now I call them that for… different reasons. When I was in my prime I was swinging with the best of them. My peers from The Imperial University couldn’t lay a finger on me. There were some places they just wouldn’t go, and even though I had deal with my fair share of liches, and witches, and bit what me and my guild brought to The Imperial Library at the end of the day was always worth it, and all of the guys made coin.

You would think a life of adventuring in your early twenties and making more septims than you’d know how to spend off of priceless Ayleid artifacts would’ve set me for life, but I guess a septim doesn’t go as far as it used to after The Great War, or at least that’s what dad told me. Now I’ve had to come back as acting Guild Master, and start leading expeditions again.

It just bothers me because if I knew that I’d have to go back to work I wouldn wouldn’t’ve I WOULD HAVE STARTED EXERCISING, BY THE NINE! …or I at least would’ve laid off the gemelli… Zenithar knows I won’t be able to get all this weight off… You always knew I took a “smarter not harder” approach to my work, which I learned from the best.

I’m going to be writing to you more often, since I’m going to be pretty homesick doing digs out in Skyrim. Afterall, it was just too good to pass up. Most people are steering clear of Skyrim right now because of the war, but I know there’s a good septim to made here.

Please let me know how mom and Uncle Jorn are doing.

Signed, Chloelia Ahenobarbus Rutilus

There are no more letters right now.