The B.L.I.M.P. Grant - Sci-fi Fattasy Text Adventure

Hello one and all, I bid you greetings and good tidings as i announce the revamping of my previous project: Blobgistics, now it has a way more fun and unique name (that isnt Project: THIZZERTHAT)

What is B.L.I.M.P. you may ask? Well it stands for the Belligerent Lardening of an Industrial Megacorporation Progeny, which is just a funny way of saying making a rich girl fat

The synopsis is much the same as before, the old mechanics that are not axed will be a bit more polished and colorful whilst the new ones should make the experience far less “spam click through days until new fat text” as is the shortcoming of similar games following this formula

I dont wish to sell you the moon with this announcement but I do wish to at the very least make mention of my ideas for what to expect, in the meanwhile this will be a new spot for Blobgistics until the overhaul is complete, link below to the original game [LINK EXPUNGED]

As of 7/13/24 this is the new place to acquire the link for The BLIMP Grant, which is right there! Below this text! Yeah! Just underneath it right here!

You went too far, go back up it’s RIGHT THERE, SERIOUSLY JUST RIGHT THERE! Up! Up you damned fool!


Oh sweet looking forwards to any updates on this.

well, you may be pleased to know that i am adding an info tab on the main Lab Screen to explain what everything does, just in the off case someone is confused how a mechanic works, here is a sneak peek:


This was one of my favorites as one of the few to really have the ambition to broach hyper-immobile territory and I very much look forward to hearing more!

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The link below functions both as a place to get the game and to also read the changes provided in the initial release, it is little more than “Blobgistics with a coat of paint on it” but should provide a decent foundation for future releases


I was playing around with this today, and I like what there is so far. The descriptions seem a little larger than her weight off the scale, with things like her being described as enormous past the point of a hippo when she was a mere 400 pounds, but otherwise was pretty solid.

Quick question: I see in the toggles that there’s a selector for PC gain, but there’s a note at the top saying “Toggles not Implemented.” However, I can select enabled. Given I just finished a game, I wasn’t planning to start another one right away, however I am curious as to whether these work or not.

Also, where is the Secrets menu? Found a code, but I have no place to enter it.

I am a little overdramatic in my descriptions, I may definitely touch them up

At this time no the toggles do not have content, this update was more of a foundation for future releases

The secrets menu can be found on the title page, it is hidden

otherwise though i am very glad you have been enjoying the game


New update Devlog, focused on balance and bugfixes (the only good BnB):


after buying hunger additive alpha you lose the option to feed Leynda

i will need to look at that

WOOPS i forgot to edit two little numbers, my bad, fixed now

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new research discovery, drone control doesn’t unlock
I took a quick look and it seems you’ll also want to look at things related to the autofeeder

more research fuckery, the moment the alarm clock becomes available for purchase your time stops going up, you need to buy it to get time again

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I found the secrets page but it says it requires a password do you have any hints of what passwords we can use?

Theyre hidden throughout the game in various passages or walls of text, remain vigilant, im sure youll find a couple


Either im an Idiot or just blind but I cant find the passwords at all, Im thinking the data pad might be the biggest hint with the sales any hints on them would be appreciated cause they are well hidden.


I hid them quite well hah, they are a single word or a pair of words within the sea of letters and numbers constituting the game that you can click on as opposed to just reading, clicking leads to a page that contains a password for a secret

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I seemed to have run into a couple of glitches. First off I got over 100 SECS points and I can’t get the last two upgrades the increased hunger one and the food delivery system one. They’re not showing up as purchasable. Also for a while I was having negative money but could still pay for groceries. So far I did managed to find one password.

oh research continually goes up in terms of SECS cost
the grocery deficit is unintended, but between you and me this is a fattywank game so it’s not exactly the worst thing, i may add a deficit-spending cap however

The money and food situation needs to be addressed cause once she is 2000 pounds the food just starts going fast and the drones are not helping also there should be different gain speeds for the boss and maybe a cheat menu cause lets be honest we are here for one reason only.


Did I say over 100? I meant over 1000