The Big Fat Sims 4 ModPack

do you have MCCC? because you can remove the trait with that

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Yeah if you have MCCC or Extended UI Cheats, you can just right click on the Gain to remove it. If you want your Sim to have a static figure as well, you can use some of the MCCC options to freeze her figure or even enter a specific value you wish to keep her at should it change.

Iā€™m not at my PC at the moment, so I canā€™t really check what the options are called in the MCCC menu, but it does help give you some control over things you may want unchanged on your Sims.

edit: ā€¦wow Iā€™m dumb. I just realized this is a 3 month old post. I am so sorry XD you probably already know this already. Please ignore meā€¦

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I canā€™t get mine to work and I donā€™t know why


I canā€™t find the link but a friend who downloaded it a while back copied me the zip file. I am using the latest version of Sims 4 with the July 28th 2022 update. Most of it works beautifully. As mentioned, the weight power thing does nothing. I have several Sims working at the Weight Gain Career (fun!) and they have been putting on weight very nicely. Promotion to the next modelling level requires them to eat x slices of pizza and x slices of cake. I have reached the point where they need to eat 25 slices of pizza and 25 slices of cake. The slices of pizza add up correctly, but the slices of cake do not register, staying at 0/25. Does this mean that they have reached the maximum modelling level? Does it also mean they will not gain further weight? I am using the waistline increase mod, the ravenous thing, glutton etc. They can still keep eating, though they increasingly say they are very uncomfortable due to getting fat.

Anyone know if they will still gain more?


Hello, so the mod used to work and you could fulfil the 25 slice of cake objective, but since I donā€™t have the gainer career mod any more to test It out myself, I suspect that My Wedding Disaster could be the reason that the cake part of the mod broke.

I find it sad that for the moment, the link leads to a 404 error, I remember being able to download it but hopefully the files will be ready to download again some time again, until then I will happily wait for it.

Do any of these mods still work? I downloaded them all but cant seem to find any evidence of them in the game/or a menu. :frowning:

do you think there could be a male only variant for the virus?