The Big Fat Sims 4 ModPack

Hey guys, so I just decided that maybe in the situation someone missed one of my mods or maybe someone would rather download all my mods in bulk. So I decided to make a compilation of all my mods and put it in a modpack for all of you, it also includes a bonus new mod!

What it includes:

  • The Gain; both the regular and the female only version of my weight gain virus

  • The Fattener; a trait that fattens those around you

  • Comfort Eater; pretty obvious, your sim eats when sad

  • Expanding Waistline; a trait that gradually fattens a sim throughout their life

  • Weight Powers; a set of “powers” dedicated to controlling a sims weight

  • Gainer Career; a career focused on weight gain

  • Ravenous; a trait that makes your sim eat a ton

  • Bonus: Fattening Lot; this is a new mod that comes as a lot trait that gradually fattens any sim on said lot

All of these mods are created by me, for more detailed descriptions on how they work visit my other threads

Join my new Sims Weight Gain Community discord: The Sims WG Community

Download: All my Sims 4 mods (Reuploaded)

I really appreciate all of the support I get on my mods, I spend a lot of time making this by myself, so knowing that people enjoy my mods really makes it all worth it.


Ayyy you added the one I suggested :smiley:


Of course, I can’t let down the best youtuber :relieved:

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I don’t speak English, so it helps, thank you.

Can you make a mod where there is a trait where females hips get bigger and bigger to the point where they get stuck in doors cuz i think that would be hilarious

Also can we get clothes to tear as sims get bigger so like if a girl is wearing a skirt and her thighs or hips get to big it begins to tear

Can we also get visual belly growth and maybe have like an animation of a sims belly shooting out and them acknowledging it or like there thighs touching and them getting a negative moodlet of it for a while or when their hips widen out they get a bigger butt with it and a moodlet depending on their personality

I was looking for a bunch of these

so how does the weight gain virus mod work exactly, im a bit confused.

Hey so I’m rather new to moding and I’m having trouble loading the scripts in to the game, they are not showing up on the in-game script list. I’m pretty sure it has to do with the fact that I’m putting .py and .pyc files directly in the mod folder, I’ve tried putting both in together and each separately. I’m not sure if I need to convert them or something. I’ve noticed that all the other script files I’ve been using are .ts4script files but these are not working the same way. please let me know what I’m doing wrong, any help is appreciated.

All of the files within my mods should only be .package and .ts4script files.

Any ideas on why it would download like that?

will they work with the new update? Sims 4 mods cool thanks for making them.

wait…you have MORE!?!

I may not own a copy of The Sims 4 (I actually own the free CaS Demo), but these mods sound interesting.

I don’t think some of these work.

The weight powers does literally nothing, no new actions under “actions”

The Gain doesn’t do anything aside from be a mood that spreads from person to person.

The makes people fatter which doesn’t spread works extremely well though.

Don’t know if anyone else is having these issues too.

Yeah I think now they are pretty outdated sadly, some of them may still work though.


the sad eating, ravenous, people get fatter near sim work very well and unless you want to instant blimp, I’d recommend not giving someone multiple of these.

Hello! I have a question, Will you update the mod to work with the latest game patches? Thank you!

Idk if its just me but I cant get to the download

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Hi, the link is broken pls fix it.

After playing a new fresh game this latest game update, an npc spawned with The Gain and spread it to my household…now my sim is fat and I wasn’t planning on making her fat at all.