"The Dorm" twine game I made.

Hey! Glad you liked it! I am currently in the process of writing a new game and getting feedback on it.


The rough concept is a fantasy setting where a witch starts up a compound and it attracts characters for her to fatten up and will be done in renpy with everything done by me. Seeing as it’s a solo dev thing and I want to do my own art for it, it’ll take a while so don’t expect it out soon.

I was gonna post it to itch.io but it was telling me about tax info and that spooked me off it. As for putting images up for this game, I feel like with twine games the whole appeal is to “unlock” the images by playing the game so posting them felt semi spoilery to me especially with how short of a game this was (also I was excited and in a rush to post this so I didn’t think of putting images up lol)

Thanks for giving it a go and again, glad you liked it!