The Fertile Farm

Seconding that the game seems pretty glitchy, but I’m too tired to remember most of it. The only glitch I can remember off the top of my head is that there’s a spot in the bathroom where you can walk through the sink and walk past the borders, clipping through walls and such.
Oh wait, remembered another one, if you have CGs turned on, when she goes from flat to the first belly size, her picture totally disappeared and I had to turn them off and on again to show the picture.

I haven’t played long, but I got some suggestions:

  1. Pls make copper tools break less. Waiting for the RNG to give me enough sticks to make a replacement over and over again is a pain in the butt, especially when you include the mandatory tool-smashing rocks. Maybe have the tools “break” but be repairable with just a single ore, or one stick.
  2. Actually, just make everything a smidge less grindy. Kinda feels like a bummer to have this constant plant-eat-plant-eat pattern, growing a full crop, then eating all of it over and over again. Everything in the game seems to follow this gain-lose-gain-lose pattern, which is a bit annoying from a player’s perspective
  3. Needs more places to go, having it just be the farm and the nursery is a bit lacking. Could probably use a tavern or a cafe or something that you can go to to stuff yourself for a fee, for when you’re between harvests.
  4. Alternate outfits? I don’t know if that’s already in the game or not, and I don’t know if it’d be worth it to double the artists’ work, but a man can dream.

Clarifying on #2, maybe the game can use the Harvest Moon approach and have some plants stick around after they’re harvested, so we don’t have to go through and replant them constantly (of course these plants would cost more). Or maybe increase their grow time a bit, but increase their yield quite a bit so that this plant-harvest-plant-harvest cycle isn’t as fast or as repetitive.

Apologies if I rambled a bit, I’m really out of it, I need to get some sleep.