The Fleur House - Weight Gain Unity VN

Haha, turns out I made a mistake… I didn’t have the Mac stuff installed… New Mac version is up on itch, but I dont have a mac so let me know if somethings still wrong !

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It works now! I had to do a little dance to convince my computer to let me run it (because Apple Knows Best™), but Mac users who play little smut games they download from the internet will usually know how to do that, so you’re fine. Thank you!

What I seen of this game is really great, my only criticisms are the hit reg(For lack of a better term) requires me to overshoot the paths in order for the line to be registered as being made and the fact that the line clear has a cooldown is annoying(While I do agree with the others about the fact that the food can travel upwards is annoying, if the bomb didn’t have a cooldown I think that would solve that problem). Other then that I really do hope you continue making this game and if people disagree with me on the cooldown thing and food travel thing then I think it should at least be an option to enable/disable it (Maybe a hard mode/easy mode thing) Keep up the good work!

Great game! I really love the art. The game has great potential. Maybe you could add a settings menu to change the volume of the music or just the whole game in general. I like the system with the different flavors. Never seen that before. Keep it up!

Can anybody make a video explaining this? I’m really struggling with the puzzle/gameplay here

any time food goes to a horizontal line, premade or ones you create, the food with go down that track and you must create lines to make it go where it needs to

Update I finally beat it with the help of a friend lmao


can we get a windowed mode? I play on an ultra wide monitor and the aspect ratio gets all screwy

man this is amazing!!!


This game is really fun! However, I am struggling with the difficulty of the food movement. I think adjusting some game play elements or allowing the player to change some settings to tweak the difficulty in some way might be a nice QoL feature. Also, I know this has been brought up before but the line drawing is a little too finicky. I think defining a broader acceptable range in which you can complete the line and it will connect would make the gameplay a lot smoother. Regardless, I love the story, characters and concept and I’m super excited to see where this goes!


Light on content but extremely well made. I loved it! Especially the art

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