The FULL College Experience - Text Adventure (Demo Version 0.2.0)

Sorry for being late to the party; I was too busy playing the game. Pretty good so far.

Great interest


@theworsteverdev Thanks for playing and the kind words! I am pleased to say that I’ve already moved forward on the system for how Goal Weight will dynamically adjust with a new option in the mirror scene. That will hopefully be functioning once I add more random event based content. But yes absolutely on the to-do list. To answer your second question, I will not be doing the Patreon thing until I feel confident in my ability to put out a product worth paying for. We aren’t there yet in my opinion so future updates will come through here until most bugs have been squashed and loopholes that break the game are closed. I will be very transparent on when the switch to Patreon occurs and what the plan will be going forward when that time arrives.

@phoenixfelix101 Thank you for playing and the kind words! I appreciate the meme hitting this project twice now. :slight_smile:


This is a fantastic framework. I’m really looking forward to seeing where this goes and how you develop it. Even as a 0.1 demo it’s a lot of fun.

In terms of bug reporting etc., how do you feel about people poking around in the source? I’m too terrible with large, open-ended tasks to have much luck making my own projects, but I love looking under the hood at things. If you’d prefer I didn’t though, I’ll keep my nose out.

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VERSION UPDATE 0.1.1 (Also updated link at the top.)

Fixes and changes:

  • Issues involving the Time clock preventing certain actions and opening up weird loopholes like being late to class prior to those aspects being implemented.
  • Waking up and wearing the same outfit as the day prior when checking the mirror before getting ready. You will now always being wearing pajamas if you go to bed, but will still be wearing the previous day’s outfit if you fell asleep doing something else.
  • Fixed the way weight is displayed in the game. Now should round to the nearest tenths place while displayed.
  • Adjusted calorie thresholds of all heights to be a bit more accurate and to fit more cleanly with the way weight is calculated and displayed.
  • Changed the message for gaining weight every night.

Content Updates:

  • Added a falling asleep while watching TV event, this will occur when watching TV late at night (To be built upon later).
  • Added a scene to “re-evaluate” your character’s body image which will adjust their goal weight (Eventually once more events are added) This will be able to be done once every 7 days from when you first did it.


I want to thank everyone who’s tried out this project of mine, the feedback is always great so keep it coming if you are feeling like sharing. This update is super tiny with mainly fixes and a couple content things born out of those fixes. Current objective is content additions and any reported issues that come from this version. I’ll be around to answer any questions so keep them coming.

@LostAndConfused Appreciate it! In terms of letting people look at the code, I would be more than willing to share if specific issues arise and another pair of eyes are needed on the code, but I have a lot of things in place that would spoil future content that isn’t ready yet. Thus I would be hesitant dropping the whole source. But I’m more than happy to share specific parts of it. Thanks for offering! I’ll work towards adjusting everything so that spoilery stuff is out of the main source in the future though to prevent this issue.


no porb :slight_smile: lookin forward to it

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Thanks for the quick update! A couple of things from me…

  1. I have gone 10 days past hitting the initial goal weight so far, and whenever I click reevaluate its still telling me its too soon

  2. Since the update when it comes to going to the entryway at 8am, it reads as if its too late at night and campus is closed. It still lets me go however and brings up breakfast, just the text reads wrong


Appreciate the heads up.

  1. My hope was that it would display something after a 7 day wait from when you first evaluated yourself. Let me take a look at that, next update should have that working though where the goal weight is actually adjusted.

  2. Found this and fixed the issue, missing brackets and order of the code was off.


Really liking the game so far, excited for what comes next with it!

I ran into the same issue as abcdemoobunny932 with the goal weight not being able to be update, and I also found an additional and possibly related issue. when I stay up to midnight, the day ticks over, but then when I go to bed the day ticks over again, effectively skipping a day. Eg I stay up to midnight friday, it ticks over to saturday, I go to bed and wake up on sunday.


@AHumanBeing Thank you for the kind words. Always a nice feeling to hear positive feedback.

@burntmagic I can officially comment that the scene for updating goal weights has been created and appears to be in working order. More testing will be done but as of now it should work come next update. I also found that issue with the double up on day transitions while testing some things today and managed to fix that as well. So shouldn’t be a problem come the next update, but that is something that screws up a few things so I hope to have a 0.1.2 out soon with some more content for people to see.


I’d love to see a description when your character eats a lot and looks in the mirror. Of course this should be affected by weight and stomach capacity. Thinner characters have a very prominent round belly when eating a lot while larger characters have the bloat being less noticeable. I’d also love an option where your character could undo clothing to make it more comfortable when eating a lot


i agree with this lol


@nervki and @xpnsnpk Your suggestion has been heard and added to the long feature creep list. Though this is definitely something I think I can concept out pretty quickly given the framework I have in place. Appreciate the suggestion!


IDK what it is but something about simple text adventures is so enjoyable. Some of the better projects are quest or twine based. Seems like the VN’s rarely get finished while these projects generally do. Nice work so far!


I think the day loop is pretty well-established. While I suspect it will become less monotonous as content is added, I recommend setting things up so the player can set eating preferences, be it what foods they like or ‘The Usual’ order they have at college to speed things up. The fewer clicks needed in a text game, the better!


i like this very much.
both the pace and the descriptions


@gamerca Appreciate you playing! I certainly hope to have a finish product by the end of it. Definitely already have a general idea of what the end of the game will look like which is helpful. Just avoiding feature creep lol.

@cheddar Great suggestion. I think I can automate the dining hall to save some clicks, you are absolutely right. Appreciate you playing and the feedback.

@knerf999 Thanks for playing and appreciate the kind words!

I’m not sure how fast is too fast for releasing a 0.1.2 version but I’m going to spend some time on content today as well as do a full proofread prior to its release, so I’ll shoot for tomorrow morning as a release time for the next version.


Dont forget to have fun doing it!


@UniversallySpeaking I was actually going to suggest something along the lines of what @cheddar suggested, was just trying to work out if I should PM you or post it here, so I guess I’ll just do it here now.

As much as I enjoy the choosing of food items, my suggestion would be to just give the player an option of how full they want to eat to, correlating with the fullness levels.
But there’s more. I don’t know how hard it would be to implement, but the fullness levels will have an effect on classes and study. Say you choose to be full to bursting, it will be hard to pay attention in class and you might even cause distractions or fall into a food coma. Likewise, if you are starving you could pass out from lack of energy etc.

This could tie into the mood feature, as in if you want to gain you are happier being stuffed, despite the distractions and vice versa.

Just an idea, looking forward to this projects development :grin:


Great ideas, anyone should feel free to suggest stuff in this thread or via PM, doesn’t matter to me. I’ll take anything and will be clear how I feel about it (and whether I feel like I can effectively pull it off or not) I am working as we speak on the more automated version of the dining hall and it’s working essentially how you described. There will be a few more iterations of it before it’s finished but the next version will at least save on click time. Fullness will definitely play into every aspect going forward, just taking it one step at a time for right now with development. Again thanks for the suggestions. Still hoping to have an update tomorrow morning.


Very nice game. The only complaints I have are that it was made in Harlowe, so you can’t load a save after exiting and reopening the game (which would be a handy feature for slow-burn games like this), and the current lack of content. However, neither complaint is a big deal in my eyes since the game is still early in development and Harlowe is pretty much the standard for Twine games on this forum.

Also, the color scheme was a bit weird at first, but it grew on me. Nice to see people messing around with the Story Stylesheet. Game is good, I like this game. Have a quickly-slapped-together png I made.
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It may not be as prestigious as getting a “We will watch your career with great interest”, but y’know