Hey, Chair here. I’d like to present to you my submission to the 2024 Gain Jam: a card game called The Hand You’re Dealt.
The idea of the game is fairly simple. You try to make food with ingredients that don’t quite match the recipe. I don’t usually like card games, but I think the concept is well suited to a card game and fits the whole theme of surprises and unexpected outcomes.
Of course, this doesn’t quite live up to the potential I’d envisioned. I’ve never really made a card game before, and trying to build this made me really step out of my comfort zone. As a result, I ended up having to really reign in my ideas on this one, to the point where I think it lost a lot of the “make food with mismatched ingredients” aspects. That stuff relied on other systems that I just didn’t have time for. On top of that, the actual card game is pretty lack-luster, I think. There’s potential there, but I didn’t have time to sit down and really think about how to make a card game out of this idea.
Still, I’m glad I pushed through and finished. Feels nice having something released for a change, even if it’s not what I wanted. I might be interested in restarting this project from stretch at some point if people are interested enough in the concept, but for now, I’m going to take a break from game dev.
Also, I want to give a big shout-out to LongcrierCatAD for providing a few sketches that I could use in the game. You can find more of her art on her twitter at Monster Mothers Inc.~
(@LongcrierCatAD) / X
For those of you playing the game, I wanted to note a couple of things to keep in mind when playing.
I didn’t get a chance to implement volume control (mostly 'cause I just wanted to be done at this point), so headphones beware. I don’t think it’ll blow out people’s ears, but you never know. Also, while I did my best to squash bugs and prevent any weird behavior, I might have missed something. Thankfully, the game’s only like 20-30 minutes long or something, so getting stuck shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
The game also has 2 endings depending on how well you did, so be on the lookout for that.
Anyway, hope everyone enjoys the game and the rest of the Gain Jam.