The Horrors of Potburst Castle - FULL

In the last few turns of the moon, an unprecedented number of vicious and cunning monsters have been sweeping across the once-peaceful countryside. In their wake they leave havoc and destruction, unleashing their sadistic whims on any poor soul unfortunate enough to cross their path. In the midst of this chaos, a miracle! The victims of these ravaging beasts do not pass on to the next world but instead return mysteriously to life after a day or two. They vanish and reappear whole, naked and unmarked, save for one thing: the belly of each victim (the monsters’ favored target) increases in size as if fattened by much feasting. Relief turns to unease when it is discovered that these effects are cumulative, leaving many repeat victims unable to ply their trades or defend their protruding fat–and thus more likely to be targeted again.

In the twilight between death and resurrection, the victims report seeing visions of strange signs and unfamiliar locations. The wise elders of the village have gathered together to consider these visions. They have cast the bones to divine a solution to this predicament. All of the signs and portents read the same; the source of these phenomena lies on the far wilderland frontier, deep within the twisted labyrinth of Potburst Castle, an ancient ruin of cragged and blasted stone long thought abandoned.

As the people grow more desperate, a party of those still strong, willing and able-bodied is assembled to journey forth, investigate the castle and put a stop to the menace before it is too late. But the elders urge caution, for the waves of monsters are also converging on that forbidding ruin, drawn by the allure of the seductive dark power that has arisen there. While you may use the castle’s strange life-restoring magic to your advantage–beware! If you are reckless in your mission, you may find yourself trapped in the labyrinth, ever-expanding, too fat to escape the fate that awaits you…

Hello! I’m Robert, a Forever-DM of many years. After much fruitless searching for a game that would welcome someone like me, I am once again surrendering to the inevitable–I will only ever find what I’m looking for if I make it myself.

This game will use D&D 5e rules because that’s what I’m comfortable and familiar with as a DM. If there’s enough interest in this game but the players ask for a different rule set, I am willing to at least take a look at it. I’m planning to make fun weight-gain related magic items and mechanics, so it shouldn’t be too rules-light.

I would like to find 3-5 players. My preference is to run the game using voice chat (probably over discord) and an online tabletop like Roll20 for visuals. I tend to put a lot of production value into my games, so you can expect to see fully explorable maps, illustrations of monsters and magic items, and more.

For scheduling purposes, I am based on the US West Coast. We will determine a schedule once there are enough people interested. If there is too much scheduling conflict, I am open to running the game play-by-post instead, with modifications to play as needed.

This game will have violence, some blood and gore and dark themes, and likely a fairly challenging level of difficulty to offset the built-in respawn mechanic. There will also be ample opportunity for player characters to grow powerful, and many other ways to gain (or lose) weight other than by defeat. My focus is on big bellies, but if you want your character to gain weight in other ways that’s fine, just let me know. We will have a session zero where I will check with you about the kinds of kink stuff you’re comfortable with. I can tailor descriptions to match your comfort level where it pertains to your character, but if you’re going to be upset by graphic descriptions of violence, this game is not for you.

I am fine with players new to D&D5e (or whatever system we end up going with). I’ll help you along as you learn the basics, but I appreciate players who are able and willing to engage with the game world and learn at least enough of the rules to play your own character after the first few sessions. You won’t be disqualified by having to ask questions, you’ll just be making my job a lot easier if you read up a little.

I am open to custom species/class options that you could reasonably expect to find living in a small medieval village in relative harmony with its largely human population. Furries are welcome, and you will probably run across at least a few anthro NPCs. You will be starting off at level 1, with relatively mundane abilities, with options to become more powerful and exotic as you progress.

The game is not restricted to male players, but I would sure like to have at least a few who identify that way. There are already many, many games focused on feminine weight gain, and I happen to prefer dudes, so running this will be more fun for me if there’s a decent ratio of masculinity, but I will endeavor to be inclusive to anyone who wants to join.

I am pretty open-minded and easy-going. With that said, all characters that appear in this game will be 18+ and will appear as obviously full-grown adults. No vampire-trapped-in-a-child’s-body, no schoolgirl uniforms, no diapers, nor any other age-related exceptions. Attempts to circumvent or find loopholes in this point will ruin my day and result in immediate expulsion from the game.

If you are interested or have any questions, please comment below.

EDIT: I am working on a custom set of rules for this game. Check out the current work-in-progress here. Constructive critique and requests for clarification are welcome.


Extremely interested in this!! I’m EST

This sounds sick! I’m totally interested if you’ll have me!

An interesting concept. There’s not many horror-themed weight gain games around. I took a look over your WIP rules and they certainly have potential as well. Unfortunately I can’t join your game personally. I’m involved in my own games currently and I’m not much into male weight gain myself which seems to be a focus (nothing wrong with that, it’s just not my cup of tea).

Nonetheless, I hope your game works out for you!

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This seems really cool. A grimdark tone for a wg game sounds interesting, and those rules you posted are surprisingly simple to manage and keep track of. If you’ve still got space I’d be up for joining for sure.

Hey there! Love the concept and would be keen to learn more!

Are you still accepting players?

This sounds and looks dope but is it like an app game? Or role-playing?

It’s Dungeons and Dragons, a tabletop roleplaying game with books, paper, and dice that you play with others, with a custom adventure and added rules to gover weight gain and the like. Although in this case I believe they’re playing over the Internet with a digital tabletop like Roll20 or Fantasy Grounds (you still need others to play with though).