The Ship - New Game

Try downloading the file from a different browser, Microsoft Edge worked for me

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Try it on Edge, if that doesn’t work then reply to this and I’ll try to put a file up

the game freezes when i try to move in different directions after playing for a while

where do i download it? and what should i open it with?

found a bad end??? maybe
no i died from those thrusters …

Textadventure breaks sometimes. I recommend you make an account, and save every so often

what are the seven endings i’ve found the two deaths the one where you become immobile while mike feeds you and the one where you eat the energy slush stuff

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There’s thinner ones

how do i get the other endings?

There’s different endings for different weight levels and then one if you let the ship explode.

Is there any way I could get a copy of the quest code? I am trying to get into the coding but I would like to get some inspiration and some examples to work with and learn from.

I mean I can try to get it for you. Are you sure you want it though? It’s pretty bad and horribly spaghetti code

Sure, anything can help. Thanks

If you get the game file that can be edited I think you can email me a download link