The Snackrooms Twine Game

Welcome to “The Snackrooms” – a text-based adventure game that takes you into a bizarre and mysterious realm of insatiable hunger and ever-expanding waistlines. In this game, you’ll step into the shoes of a character who unwittingly finds themselves trapped in the Snackrooms, a twisted version of the backrooms where irresistible, calorie-laden treats are as abundant as the rooms themselves.

Inspired by the great work of and

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Welcome to the forums. I was wondering if like the ending where you can’t fit through the exit if the feeding is supposed to loop infinitely or not after becoming immobile?


Fantastic game! I hope for more updates :blush::blush::blush:

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Enjoyed the game immensely. I thank you for having different gender options and wish more games here had them as well. The descriptions are great, tough for the few times i played i will assume that most endings are mostly rng based as i dont see a pattern to trigger them, my suggestion would only be to have a menu for the different endings or add more selectable options, maybe paths, like you choose left you have one type of food and right would be another and the paths could lead towards certain endings if you kept going the same. Great work overall and will be looking for more updates!


At the moment it just loops, as I add more to it I’ll look to add events and options.


Thanks so much! I’m looking to expand upon the current weight descriptions and looking to just keep adding more events and endings!


Just posted a new update, added extra text to weight stages and a new event to play with your flab when you’re gaining and when you’re immobile.


Absolutely love this! great job! I’d say more but I wrote so much in the forms that I feel I’d just repeat myself.


Using forms is always so helpful with improving my projects, glad ya like it!


i do hope you eventually come back to this game to develope it some more if not thats fine we cant force you after all


Same i reqlly like this twine game I just wish it was stkll being updafed


What would you folks like to see updated?


Perhaps more random events that can increase weight, like a food court area referencing the “canonical” Snackrooms. Or a pool room esque area that’s like a spa area or something to wade through. Or even have said poolrooms be filled with like soda or something. Stuff that references other Backrooms levels but with a fatty twist.


I know there is an event where you get temporarily stuck, but there could be an ending where you get completely stuck between two walls or a cramped space.
And I think it would be interesting if you could interact with the blobs you come across, maybe interacting differently based on how much you weigh when you come across them.


Would simply love to see more of this game. Its fun to go through every now and than. Descriptions/writing are top notch.


Insert obligatory “bigger” comment here
But in all actuality, as far as I know, there is no way to “survive” the experience. I think it could be interesting to be able to not succumb to the snackrooms, with special epilogues depending on your size. It could be fun especially if the epilogues have you getting fatter regardless due to corruption or something. The big thing I would want (which I understand completely why it isn’t typically given out) would be a downloadable version. I like having a hard copy of games like this due to the fear of websites deciding to purge all this good stuff. As said, I understand the reservation with that sort of thing, so maybe not now or maybe not after a possible update, but sometime when you figure you might never expand on the game, a downloadable version would be pretty sweet. Also understandable if you never wanna share that too


Seeing posts about this game have giving me some motivation to work on it some more, what do you folks think would be some good additions/updates?


I already mentioned some of my wants/ideas/suggestions in April.

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I’ve added an improved food randomizer to the game!


I’ve introduced a new hub area called the Rec Room! You can return here to weigh yourself and talk to the two new characters Alex and Taylor, one seems to want to indulge whilst the other seems adament to stay thin!

If you’re interested in helping with my Snackrooms twine game join my discord to give some feedback and suggest ideas!