My favorite videogame series is Resident Evil and I’m glad there are some mods for their games. To make it more easier to find them, I’ve put some of the mods I found in this post.
However, as you can see, these mods are for the more modern Resident evil games, that use their RE engine. When searching for the older titles, i was surprised to find almost no “fat” mods. I think i saw once a mod for Ada in RE6, but pretty much there is no mods for the older titles. I want to change that, so, in a “fine, i’ll do it myself” moment, I started to work on mods for the older titles, starting with Resident Evil Zero (as i was in the middle of playing that game and is my least favorite).
As a test, I’m making a chubbier version of Rebecca (the main character of RE0) using first her famous sports costume, here are some screenshots:
My goal is to change all of Rebecca’s costumes and give two variants: one that is more realistic (like in the screenshots) and one that is much bigger. It has been quite a hassle to work in RE0, since the modding tools aren’t perfect, but at least is possible and i’m happy with the results. I also did some tests in RE5 with Sheva, but I’ll leave that for later since I realized I don’t have all of her costumes.
If someone finds more mods and also for the male characters, feel free to share it here.
Link for my mods:
-Resident Evil Zero:
-Resident evil (Remake):
Great work so far! As a Resident Evil fan I’m quite excited to see someone making more mods for these games
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I got in to re recently and this looks quite amazing
I’ve updated Rebecca’s face and now looks better and now I’m working on her base costume. I originally started with that but it has so many accesories and details that it was very difficult and still is. I’ve spent my whole weekend trying to modify the base costume while retaining at least the same shape of the sports costume mod i made and it has been pain. Modding older RE titles is very complicated and some stuff doesn’t properly work and the plugin for modding the game has some limitations, but i won’t stop.
Some screenshots:
After I finish this, I’ll release the mod for the base costume and her sports one. I’ll keep working on the rest obviously.
Rebecca’s default costume is done and I’ll put the link on the main post alongside her sports costume mod.
A few screenshots:
To install them, use Fluffy mod manager and just drag and drop them into the modmanager.
Before installing, keep in mind these things:
- Her radio has been removed to avoid clipping.
- Rebecca’s head mesh is shared between most of her costumes, except her Battlesuit from the “Wesker mode” and 2 other dlc costumes. Because of that, her chubby head is a separate mod.
- The sports costume mod requires the dlc “Costume pack 3” to be used.
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Jill ate the sandwichs this time…
I got into a roadblock with some of Rebecca’s outfits and went to try a little with the remake of the first game. I’m getting crazy and looks like soon i’ll reach the definition of insanity.
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Well, here is the Jill mod. Replaces her default “S.T.A.R.S” costume. I’ll eventually try with her other costumes and also try to port Rebecca’s mod.
Link in the main post.
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Thanks for the great mod!
This mod is more than enough reason to buy previous games I’ve never played.
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Jill’s B.S.A.A outfit.
I really like this costume and it was one of the reasons I got the HD remaster of the remake.
Link in the main post.
Jill’s military costume.This was a little harder to finish since she has way too many accesories and some parts would clip a lot.
I’ve been trying to keep working on RE0, but i’ve been having issues with textures and trying to port Rebecca’s mod on this game makes her head invisible, so for the time being i can’t keep working on her.