The Tower of Gluttony [v1.3] - Text-based WG Roguelike

Yeah, this IS a game about weight gain after all. But to be honest, I think there aren’t too many events involving the protagonist herself (I assume it’s a she?). We encounter a lot of fat adventurers and goblins, yet very little happens to our ever-growing character


As much as I’d like to have images for the player, AI generated images are not great when it comes to consistency and weight gain progression. It’s certainly possible though, as shown by the weight progression for the Queen of Gluttony, it just required a lot of back-and-forth between generating an image, morphing the image to change the proportions, feeding it back through img2img, using in-painting to clean up the result, etc. It was difficult enough with 3 weight variations, yet alone the 10 or so I’d need for the player…
Not ruling out the possibility per se, just saying that it’s not straightforward.


Pictures are not a dealbreaker for me, tbh. However, being able to read how fat I am constantly is always fun to see. Still, love the game, myself - had a blast getting through it. Almost died a few times due to bad RNG, but liberal use of shoving food in my face got me through.

The queen constantly using Sugar Jars though got on my nerves, because the last 100 health basically turned into ‘Gets 2 turns, uses one to summon, uses the other to get another 2 turns’


This project is surprisingly rich and detailed, the scope is pretty controlled and the mechanics are earnestly really fun. My only real complaint is the use of AI art as placeholder assets, since I feel like that fact detracts from the game more-so than it adds to it (especially with how sparsely art is used to begin with). I really like the precached diceroll mechanics, and showing the dice actually ‘rolling’ by flickering the numbers is a fun touch.

My main complaint source code wise (since you included such things) would be the amount of repeated text. Ideally everything would be written once, used many times, I saw a lot of ‘your vision fades’ repeated over and over, which makes changing that phrase a bit annoying. A simple solution would be doing the equivalent of a .lang file, where you can change out strings like that via variables instead maybe? There’s also a reliance on what seem to be precached JSON structures as whole classes, I’m surprised actual .json and a loader wasn’t used for those, since I was experimenting some with that in my own tweego/twine projects.

In summary; very good start mechanically, but I think it’s drug down some by the AI art direction. I think browsing would be a really easy solution there, in lieu of making a game mostly text driven instead. Congrats on your work so far though, it’s very impressive as a gameloop made from scratch (and I didn’t even talk about fullness having an actual mechanical give and take, which was fun to see).


Here’s a question for you all:

What are your expectations / preferences regarding difficulty for this type of game?
  • I expect to beat it first try
  • I expect to beat it after 2 or 3 attempts
  • I expect to beat it after many attempts
  • The game should have multiple difficulty options
0 voters

I’m curious what the distribution of answers will be like.


I think the ideal form for a game like this (it’s fun, btw. but needs some work) is: I load the game up, start playing and naturally fall into one build and within a few attempts have completed a single run through of the game with that build. THEN I will go back to the beginning and spend another couple of runs messing with other builds until I’m bored or have seen everything. So in that sense I “expect” to beat it after 2 or 3 attempts.

(Obviously I don’t think this is how everyone should play but if it’s possible to take multiple builds to the end of the game then I’d say that the game follows the ideal form, even if someone else’s path through it looks different to mine)


Loved the game but please nerf the final boss minion spawn 1 per turn is too much


Only played once through, but had a good, fun run. Some thoughts:

  1. Good balance of fight rooms and special rooms, and the special rooms have the classic risk/reward I expect out of the genre. Nice work!
  2. Text descriptions hit a light heroic tone just right! Some flavor, but not so much that it overwhelms.
  3. I like that different weapon types have different tradeoffs (guaranteed but smaller hit of bows, multi-hit of daggers, the breakability of brittle weapons). Unfortunately, I did ultimately find swords to be the greatest damage-to-miss ratio in most fights, so I’d love to see more design that encourages me to use other weapon types
  4. I like the concept of the final battle with the Queen summoning lackies, able to use items, and having a alternative way to beat her by making her overeat. But like Homer said, summoning every turn makes this into a sloggy battle of attrition.
  5. I didn’t really feel the downside of being thin or fat. Honestly, bloating and poison were the only statuses that really make a dent in me

Overall, this is a cute take on classic dungeoneering tropes, and I am looking forward to more sessions and to see where you develop this.

(If I can be that annoying guy who offers suggestions: The rpg “Blades in the Dark” has the concept of a Devil’s Bargain, in which players can accept some guaranteed negative consequence in exchange for an extra roll. This feels like a natural fit for your game–what if the player could choose to give up an item, or take damage, or gain weight in exchange for being able to roll with advantage?)


I played a bit.


Couple issues - the images of enemies disappearing every time you roll is jarring.
You should enable weapon switching too or keyboard shortcuts.


If you make a fetish game based around wg, putting apparently zero text related to the weight gain, stomach expansion etc defeats the entiere purpose. But you have a good start, so adding that in should be doable.


There is some mention about find the stairs harder to climb between floors, and the goblins merchants will comment on your weight if it’s high enough, but i certainly wouldn’t mind more description


Yeah, I’m just mostly gonna echo the others here.
Very nice game for what’s essentially the first version. I didn’t run into any bugs or anything, and I feel like everything worked like it should.
And same for the negatives, or not-quite-as-good-as-it-could’ve-been’s. More depictions of the Player character’s fatness would be great, since that’s the main selling point in games like these for a lot of people, including myself.
This also applies to another aspect completely absent from the game, Bad Ends. While these are basically universal in WG games, here losing just comes with the “You blacked out” Game Over screen. While I wasn’t expecting unique losing scenes for every enemy, I was pretty surprised that not even the bosses, let alone the Final Boss, got them. I was especially expecting such a scene for the Feeder Fairy/Sprite who had immobilized the elf, mostly due to it being a rare unique enemy and such. Then again, losing to it is pretty much impossible since there’s no weight limit and the fact that it can be killed by literally just belching twice.


I’ve had some luck exploring, still a bit random, but there are some numbered parameters it seems which help with getting a few various (and larger) results. I’ve been tinkering a bit and was reluctant about having images in my story as well, but this may enable that. Need to try a few different things still before deciding, haven’t gotten to my main game loop yet to see if it’ll work, early days.

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An excellent text adventure RPG! Solid on all counts: decent writing, gorgeous artwork, interesting twine mechanics, and a decent challenge!

Well worth your time to play this!


Just beat the game and I gotta say, this is one of the best experiences I’ve had from this site. Putting it up there as one of my favorite WG text adventures I’ve had the pleasure of playing so far. Big thumbs up from me!


Don’t know if my opinion really matters, but I got through first try without much trouble, with no history buttons. I play a lot of skill based games, haha


I really liked the game even though I was stupidly late. My only criticism is the final boss, if I miss an attack, even a single attack, it becomes almost impossible to get an attack gap.
Every turn she summons something, maybe if she had a break or something it would be better.
But otherwise the game is excellent, I hope there are more updates.



The trick is to let her spawn purple slimes and let than stack, just kill the gobilns and other slimes, the purple almost dont do anything significant other than dizzy you, they dont do damage and will just real themselves, but you NEED to heve the last bow to win the fight, since it cant miss is a secure way to deal a realy good amount of damage, but the problem is the servant if you miss her she will heal a ton of the queen, so make sure to kill her in the first turn that she spawns, but you also need a ton of itens for the fight i manage to win by colecting a ton of food and arrows and gaining as much as i could before the boss battle, the fat route seems to be the best by how much life you have and how well it works with realing potions since they real you on percetage and not on a fixed healing number like the foods, so use as much food in the start as you can and try bringing a digestion potion and some sugar syrup for max damage.

that was my way to win against her but still was way to hard for how much itens i had, the spawn realy needs a nerf on both bosses but the realing could use some check, some thimes she can to real 100hp if you miss the servant enough times, the damage is not a problem if the spawn rate is nerfed but besides that the game is amazing and i love it,


was alot of fun, thanks for releasing the game <3<3


To be honest I just let the goblin butler people feed her and used either the chains or the bow to do damage/kill any of the spawns that actually threatened me. Then I had maybe four or five good healing items and voila, won on the first attempt when she sent herself through the floor and died. Great game by the way!


Same strat here. Sometimes you don’t always need brute force.