The Weighting Game - WIP

A) How do I deform via smoothing in relation to multiple collision objects at once? In order to copy tiggertoo’s work I had to save my multiple deformer objects as a single object via export. Which meant they couldn’t easily be edited afterwards. (I saved the left and right object pressing against her as a single object, which then meant I could no longer adjust it).

B) This is generic genesis 8.1 female. I had no idea how to do this when I made my previous post, so, yeah, it’s not as good as tiggertoo’s, but my only goal here is to try to see if maybe tiggertoo would be served or not served to try out 8.1. My conclusion? No, genesis 8.1 figure provides ZERO benefit for realistic belly deformation. Just like tiggertoo said. However, I felt I owed it to him, to you know, actually check. Since he’s proclaimed that he hasn’t actually tested 8.1 out yet.

C) One thing though, it still might be worth trying out 8.1 because it’s not just upgraded faces (which tiggertoo said he’s not interested in), but also an upgraded skin shader tool is included, see: Daz3D Genesis 8.1 Overview & Features | under “Daz3D Genesis 8.1 Skin and Shaders”

The upgraded skin shaders are a) confusing looking and b) probably made irrelevant by any sort of 3rd party skin upgrades tiggertoo already owns, anyways.

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