Sorry to beat a dead horse, but what are the things that bring Alice’s mood up again? It always seems so hard to bring her back up to ‘happy’ the first time she drops to ‘okay’, but the early gain dialogue when she’s at ‘happy’ is so good I don’t want to miss it.
I have a question but how many weight stages are there for alice currently, I am on day 120 and curious because she has not changed in 60 days.
That first dip is the hardest to recover from. Just compliment the shit out of her, NEVER tease, and don’t push (too hard) on the eating side of things.
(If you want to see Tease dialog anyway, you can of course cheat and rollback the simulation to undo it after.)
You will know if you hit the end of the content. The game will give you a to be continued screen. Also days have no effect on Alice’s weight progression. But I believe the answer is eight. Her default size is considered size zero and there is always a teaser of Alice at a size larger then what is “playable” in game. I don’t currently have any save files to check quickly on the exact answer but again you will know when content is over tiggertoo makes that very clear in game.
I think it is seven because if memory serves 0.6 didn’t add a new weight stage but instead built upon the world instead. So six playable stages and one teaser stage
Thanks you, because I would go to get food in the morning and work till 17:00 then get food or invite to place, for the last 67 days and she is size 3 after she takes off the girdle.
You can always play at your own pace and the game is made to be a “slower” paced game but I would say try adding in other stuff. You can go to most places multiple times a day. It sounds like you’re not progressing faster then you currently are because you are not doing enough activities with Alice. As long as you still have money to pay for rent each week and the activities you take Alice to then you’re fine.
Ty! Reflecting, I reckon the problem was probably pushing too much. Like, I was already doing daily compliments and being as nice as possible, but (except for not giving her a larger portion), I was generally pursuing the options that resulted in her eating more. Cheers again, this is really helpful.
@error19999990 There are eight sizes currently in the game. The starting size (size zero or default), six full game stages and the final scene which shows her at size seven. The easiest way to check if you’re progressing is when Alice weighs herself. If her weight is going up then you’re heading in the right direction
@Schattenjaeger It’s all the same restaurant, as you well know That said, I really need to change the text so Alice doesn’t constantly say it’s new…
@Spanner It’s deliberately difficult to keep her mood ‘happy’. Possibly a little too difficult at the moment. The mood indicator is one of the most recent additions to the game, so may well be tweaked at some point.
As I said a long time ago I would say that the happy mood is difficult to achieve only for the first sizes because it is difficult to improve Alice’s mood without making her get bigger and go to the next size. In practice this just makes the player miss the lines where Alice says she enjoys gaining her first few pounds. After two or three sizes you can reach the happy mood without having to abuse phone calls to comfort Alice at the gym or never invite her home when she has reached the weight to go up a size (at least the lines are now size dependent and not weight dependent as before).
i have figured out which weight triggers each size. 140 pounds triggers size 1, 150 pounds triggers size 2, 160 pounds triggers size 3, 180 pounds triggers size 4, 200 pounds triggers size 5, 300 pounds triggers size 6, 400 triggers size 7 and i think each 100 will trigger later sizes, not sure if i got the weight right for size 1 - 4
Yeah, just ribbing you = P
Some of that is not right for sure. She doesn’t just put on 10 pounds and go to size two.
EDIT: @WolfyJRB_15 This spoiler pic shows the difference of alices sizes and the weight associated with them. Anybody not done playing should not view at the risk of spoilers. Also @tiggertoo I don’t remember if you made this public or not so if you want me to remove it let me know.
yeah i think its 160 pounds but not sure
I had to find it but there is a pic that shows the sizes from 0.6. Linked above. Tiggertoo probably would of made an updated one if not for the game going on hold at the time.
yeah also i just realised that size 7 triggers at 360 pounds
We need one of these progression grahpics for Lacy.
There’s one for each of the girls up until 0.6.
Nope, I don’t mind that picture being up. You’ve spoilered it, so if people want to take a look then that’s up to them And yes, there are similar images for the other girls as of v0.6 of the game, but I’m not going to post them here. I’d like there still to be some surprises for those who haven’t finished 0.7 yet
I would have created updated images, had I not lost interest when 0.7 was pirated so soon. I doubt I’ll do any more, but never say never. They took a lot of time to create, but I know quite a few people liked them, so maybe one day…
As I said, I’d like there to still be some surprises left in the game, so can you take them down please?
edit thanks