The Weighting Game - WIP

Still though, excited to see what you’ve got planned for the final product the . Best of luck with things

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I thought of some way to make sure the project doesn’t get pirated as much. One thing I saw was to have a seperate discord server where you post the password to unlock the file separately. From there have the roles that you want being able to see the channel see it. That way it’s harder to have them pirate it. They might have the file, but from there it would only be a small list of people who would have the password to the file.

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Tiggertoo is not doing public releases until the game is done anyways. And you will never stop people from pirating. There will always be atleast one pirate that will work a way around whatever you set up even going as far as supporting the creator just to pirate it.

There are a few artists that shall not be named that do some extreme anti piracy things going as far as to track isp and personal info but you really shun the community and people that would support you going to extremes in my opinion. Tiggertoo is looking to just release the final product when they are done and at that point pirating won’t have the same effect as the game will be finished.


I’ve said all along that I expect the game to be pirated as soon as it’s finished. I still expect that to be the case :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s been a lot of talk here and elsewhere about how to stop the piracy but, as I’ve learned, the simple fact is, you can’t. Many (not all!) of them simply don’t care about short/long term harm to game development as long as they save a couple of bucks.


The game fascinates me, look forward to the next :smiley:


Glad you like it! I’m hoping to add a boatload of extra stuff before it’s finished :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey, thanks for making this game. I’m not quite done with my first playthrough yet, but I’ve been enjoying it so much I had to drop a thank-you in your ko-fi.


Glad you like it, and thanks for the support on Ko-fi! Every penny I make on there goes straight back into the game and/or beefing up my PC :slight_smile:


Honestly, had to make an account to just say how much I love this game. Might be the best weight gain one I’ve ever seen. There’s so much packed in, it’s insane! Keep it up :slight_smile:


Plenty of people think I’m insane :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad you like it!


Haha, you might be! I’m not complaining though. Already got Alice over 240 pounds and loving it! Nice to see the other girls gaining weight too.

Many of us are! Good that we appreciate each other!

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First I would like to thank you @tiggertoo for great work, it’s the best weight gain game ever and I’m really glad that you came back to finish it, you’ve put so much work into it, that it deserves “The End”.

Few days ago I’ve started new playthrough and would like to point out what could be improved:
Alice’s hairstyle at third size (180-200 pounds) sometimes looks bad and unnatural, as a new user I can only post one image at a time, but here is the example:

Maybe she could change her hairstyle at size three? And by the way the graph with the sizes is incorrect, her hairstyle changes when she is at 200 pounds, not 240.
Another thing is the lighting especially in the early scenes, sometimes it’s too dark and sometimes too bright. I can take some screenshots if you want. I remember that in few pictures there were small glitches with Alice clothing in later stages of weight gain, but didn’t get there yet.

And one really minor thing is that after Alice breaks the chair when she is sitting at your lap (somewhere around 220 lbs) she says that she cannot sit at your lap anymore, but next times she visits you she sits again as nothing have happened. Maybe she shouldn’t do it anymore, or it should be mentioned and explained somehow.

There could’ve been some changes in gameplay but overall it’s really good and entertaining game and I’m waiting for more.

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To be fair, after that weight point, the player does have a new chair (and also isn’t an office chair but a proper one, that’s used specifically for the lap sitting scenes.


Alice’s hairstyle was upgraded to the new style because of the change to gen 8 model plus the issues with clipping and the hair looking worse as Alice got heavier. I believe when tiggertoo made the switch to gen 8 they just started rendering Alice with her updated hairstyle and using the gen 8 model. And while going back and re-rendering all those scenes for two weight sizes could be done it’s a ton of work and don’t think it’s very likely going to happen.

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Ok, I haven’t noticed that, that’s good enough. :blush:

Re-rendering would be needed for one size, third stage (180-200lbs), at earlier stages her hair looks good. I know it would take a lot of time and work, but if @tiggertoo isn’t in a hurry maybe better to take more time and upgrade some things.
Another example of how it looks:

Much though I’d like to, I have no plans to redo the earlier Alice images simply to improve the hair. Even if I just did it for one weight stage, that would still be a couple of hundred images or so, which would take weeks to render, not to mention the time in setting them up.

The results probably wouldn’t be great anyway. The ‘new hairstyle’ is a Genesis 8 model. The Alice model before adding the new hair was Genesis 3. Genesis 3 models transfer relatively well (sometimes!) to Genesis 8. Genesis 8 models need a fair bit of fiddling to work with Genesis 3. I’d end up having to redo a lot of stuff from scratch.

Redoing some of the images where the lighting is poor is more likely, as these would simply involve a few seconds work per scene to tweak the light settings. They’d still need re-rendering though.

edit Oh, and the Alice chair issue is a glitch that I hadn’t got round to fixing before the game was pirated and I temporarily gave up.


Thanks for extensive answers.

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Since I’ve seen you mention the final thing being pirated, I guess that means that it’s going to be paid (which is fine, gotta make money somehow) but what’s the cost you’re planning to set it at?

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