The Weighting Game - WIP

Hmmm, good question! To be honest, I’ve never really thought about it, mainly because it’s nowhere near finished. I don’t really know how much indie games like this go for. $30ish?


30$ is more of a like AA style production by 15-40 people instead of the 100-1000 people of tripleA (who then charge 60$), IMO 15$ is where most 1-man premium indie projects go.

But that’s just my opinion of what I feel like I’ve seen on steam, no hard stats.

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For reference, Impossible Snail is currently selling the remake/definitive edition of Super Fatty RPG on itch for $10

I’d still 100% pay like 15-20$ for it. Not a dev, but pretty confident 3D assest are spensive as fuck, and I really really enjoy this game. I’d also probably pay the 30, but 15-20 definitely sounds like a more attractive range, at least for the far more shallow market for the game.


I’ll give it some thought. AA/AAA modelling doesn’t really apply though, given that they’re budgeting on selling hundreds of thousands/millions of copies. I’ll be lucky to sell a few hundred! :stuck_out_tongue:

edit then again, I’ve just hit around 10k downloads on this site alone, so who knows?

Plenty of time to think about it given that I’m a long way from finishing :slight_smile:

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I’m at a point where Alice won’t stop going to the gym to lose weight.

Is there a way to stop her from doing so or just make her gain weight?


Alice won’t stop going to the gym in the current game. As far as gaining weight the game is a “slow-paced” game by design. Taking Alice out to eat in the morning inviting her over to the MC’s house at 17+hrs and going to the pub afterwards can be done daily along with working a few times during the day (which Alice is likely to probably show up on occasion and have a free snack/meal during it). Doing this plus sprinkling in some other activities as you can afford them and not go into the negative, is likely going to be the way to play to some degree.

You can always check Alice’s progress at the MC’s house by investigating the noise you hear. This won’t happen all the time but often enough to give you an idea of what Alice’s current weight is. If you are not seeing any progress, you can always turn on the hints sometimes progress within the story is tied to visiting certain locations to further the story along. And the hints will give you a green arrow to follow for such events.

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Really the important thing I’d say about the gym is to invite her to your house at the end of every day and tell her she doesn’t need to diet. Also there’s some benefit in making sure to meet her at the gym to tell her she doesn’t need to diet.

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Making sure you visit her when she’s at the gym is a big one. If i’m not mistaken, not visiting her is a trigger akin to telling her she needs to diet and regresses her gaining process.


Don’t be so upset about the gym. In fact, going to the gym to comfort Alice is the best way to increase one of the essential variables to Alice’s good mood. One of the reasons that making Alice happy with her first few pounds during her initial height is so difficult is that she goes to the gym very little at that time. The only negative aspect of going to the gym to comfort Alice is that it takes an hour off your day (but doesn’t affect your stamina).


I find that Alice’s trips to the Gym become far less frequent in the later stages, at least in my play throughs.


It’s quite deliberate that she’ll go to the gym fairly often in the early stages of the game. After all, she’s a slim, athletic girl who doesn’t want to get out of shape, especially as she believes her last boyfriend dumped her for putting on weight. This may be revisited at some point in the game…

Keep her fairly happy and she’ll gradually start to go less. The advice above is all good!


I just discovered this game and binged through it in my free time. It is the single best portrayal of a feeder/feddee dynamic I’ve seen in a game so far. I love that Alice has gotten so greedy and turned on by fat she wants to see others blimp up too. With how many are gaining weight I see a huge number should two of them want to sit on our poor MC. Thank you for this amazing game. I will certainly be donating as often as I can to assist in this project!

I know you are still deciding on when to stop Alice’s size, and thought that immobility could be a hiccup towards one ending or another. Where she slows down and manages her weight at such a high goal without ending up immobilized, or another where se is too horny and hungry to stop. Pinning her down with her weight. I know there was a discussion on how that would work and though that may satisfy those people with a single scene at the end and such.


Glad you like it! I’m not sure about it being the best portrayal of feeder/feedee that’s out there, but I’ve been lucky enough to have a couple of feeding relationships in the past, so it does tend to draw on my own experience. Maybe that helps with things a bit :slight_smile:

Very unlikely there’ll be any immobility in the game. Apart from the models looking absolutely crap at those sort of sizes, immobility isn’t something that really floats my boat, and I find it much more enjoyable to incorporate stuff that I’m actually into.

Oh for sure. I was just adding another view on that discussion as a story to continue after was one idea. Not actually suggesting you use it. Your game of course!

Well, in terms of the games I have played it is the best portrayal. Not to mention despite not beign finished has an amazing amount of polish. Many others I can’t even get halfway through due to bugs or game mechanics being too sloppy. Thank you for all the time you’ve put into this!

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Suggestions are more than welcome. Some very good ideas that I’ve added have come from things people have suggested out of the blue :slight_smile:

There are certainly a couple of bugs in this version. Guess you were just lucky and didn’t hit any :stuck_out_tongue:

Every game has bugs for sure. But the fact I managed to not run into any while on my first play-through was nice. I can’t wait to see more and I hope donations are flowing in like crazy. You certainly need them fromt he amount of work you’re putting in.

One suggestion I did have and wanted to offer up is more public struggles of her size like the chair and booth not longer fitting her body, or the dress rip. Those added a bit of embarrassment and tension that was enjoyable. One I had in mind was Alice breaking the chair in the movie theater. Or even becomign so side MC can’t fit into the one next to her, the pair taking up three seats.


Good point about the bugs. And this game is way, way larger than I ever envisaged, so I’m quite pleased there are so few!

I will be adding more one-off bits and pieces to the game as and when I think of them… although the movie chair breaking is unlikely as I’d have to recreate the chair which would take ages, and then replace it with something else! Nice idea though :slight_smile:

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True. I know it’s a bit much but nice to dream. Thanks. I’m not sure if anyone asked but how goes progress on the next update? I’m still catching up on posts here so I may have missed if you said before.

It’s against the rules here to ask for update info, so I’ll just say it’s going pretty well. Got a lot done, but a hell of a lot left to do :slight_smile: