The Weighting Game - WIP

When I said develop I guess I meant more of a “Tiggertoo uploaded rendering screen that shows how bonkers long it takes for images.” Or “Next updated version coming in April…2024.”

Just for you…




Oh a swimming outfit? Perhaps the gym’s getting an expansion alongside the waistlines of the girls

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Interestingly enough, there will be a bit of new stuff at the gym (probably - still working on the details), but it won’t be a swimming pool :slight_smile:

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New dressing room scene? Im looking forward to more shopping scenes with interactions. Maby different shops to choose from. I know thats a lot of work and Daz accessories prices are hymm… how to put it challenging but it would be great. I didn’t write much but I followed this project for long time I just wanted to say that you are doing phenomenal job. Hope to see more insights :blush:.


Good guess! But wrong, I’m afraid.

I haven’t done anything new with the shopping scene. No real plans to at the moment. There are already two clothing stores and two pastry shops. I think that’s probably enough for what is only one scene in the game.

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honestly with the rate that you’re going with completing the game i’d say it’ll be released fully around late 2022 or early 2023. Which im completely fine with since releasing test versions during the year would be a bad idea because then it would increase the chance of the game getting pirated.

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I’m not putting any sort of timeframe on when it’ll be finished. I’m just going at my own pace, rather than killing myself trying to hit deadlines, so it’ll be finished when it’s finished.

This year is very unlikely though :stuck_out_tongue:


have you considered doing something with the girl of the shop?, the one who bothers alice for being fat. maybe too much girls at the moment to add one more?


Yeah, I did consider that, but couldn’t come up with a viable storyline for her that was suitably different to the other girls.


Yeah I don’t know about anything involving the clothing store. I always pictured her as someone who would think “fat is bad” and eventually put on weight herself and either love it or hate it from there. And Alice’s confidence in her growing size would show it wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

But I figured with how she was and acted that maybe she got let go from the store and had to pick up a job at one of the bakeries and well weight gain shenanigans ensue.

Whether or not it’s different enough or worth time to develop I don’t know :sweat_smile:.

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That was one of the ideas that I considered. But it would be too similar to big chunks of the storylines for Lacy and Sarah.

Never say never, but I’ve currently got no plans at all to develop her any further.


Maybe the girl from the clothing store secretly wants to become fat but is too afraid of how society will treat her if she gets fat. Seeing Alice gradually getting fatter and showing off her expanding figure to MC (while trying on different outfits) causes her to become resentful of Alice for essentially living her dream, so she takes her anger and frustration out on Alice. Alice eventually confronts her about her bad attitude. During the confrontation the girl ends up venting to Alice about everything. Alice and MC give her a motivational speech that convinces her to live her dream and not worry about what society thinks.

After this, Alice becomes something of a role model to the girl, providing encouragement and advice, as she starts on her weight gain journey.

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Very nice idea… but not one that I’ll be able to use because…

WARNING: Major spoiler below!!!

The new girl that I’ve already added has a storyline which already has some of these elements
(Okay, not really a major spoiler, but I know a lot of people don’t like knowing anything in advance!)

Please don’t comment on the spoilered bit. It’ll spoil things for people who don’t want to know about it, and I won’t be giving any more details anyway, cos I’m an evil bugger :stuck_out_tongue:


He is evil Tigger, he is evil Tigger!

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version is the newest?

As the thread title says, the version in the first post of the thread

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you doing great work and thank you :grin: :grin:


You sure know how to tease!

I don’t really mind if the girl from the shop didn’t get any gain story. Since I love a bit of “humiliation” in my weight gain stories I kinda dislike it when there’s no one left to shame the gaining people in the story for being so fat or judge them. At some point its always too much if every “anti fat” person becomes fat and loves it.

However! I still kinda like the idea of her gaining? You might try a full on denial aproach where the character does end up gaining but constantly being in denial about it, not realizing that she’s getting fat too until its too late. Which will shatter her self image which will continue her gain, I really like those gains! Since in the real world, weight gain can happen so slowly that you actually don’t realize it too much either. And since Alice comes by regulairly she would always look skinny next to her!

Anyway! You’re keeping me hyped with all the teases you post here, I can hardly weight until the full release! (See what I did?)


I’ve no real plans at the moment to make her any bigger… but then I never had plans to make Lacy or Hannah bigger either! So you never know…