@namad I’ll have you know that my images are the BEST ever!!! Nobody will ever produce better images than me. Ever, ever, ever. And if they do, I’ll cry.
(Joking aside, although I am quite proud of some of my images, I know there are a lot of better Daz artists out there than me.)
You’re completely correct about Daz Studio. When I first started to look into writing my own game, I checked out a few render engines and Daz was the best choice at the time. It’s free, very popular (so there are LOTS of tutorials/forums to help with any problems), relatively easy to use and has a massive pre-made asset library.
Sure, there are better programs out there, but if you want to simply produce a lot of images for your game without having to spend an eternity on each one, Daz is the best tradeoff between power/speed and usability.
@ero646545 You mean spoilers for the game? I’ve always been in two minds about those. A lot of people like them, but a lot of people hate them! And personally, I’d rather much come across something for the first time in a game and think ‘yeah, that’s cool!’ than know about it beforehand.
I should maybe run a poll and see what current opinion on the subject is.
I’m not aware of any real scepticism about the game. Where did you pick this up from? (If it was on a piracy forum then I’m not particularly interested as I couldn’t care less what they think ) I’m assuming it’s towards how slowly it’s coming along? My attitude towards working on the game hasn’t changed one bit since I restarted. I’ll go at my own pace and it’ll be ready when it’s ready.
Back in the Patreon days, I was working a minimum of 100 hours a month (often quite a bit more) on the game. Nowadays I put in maybe 20-25 hours a month. So I’m afraid there are going to be long gaps between versions.
Oh, and it’s a piece of cake to produce images with a low camera angle. I’ve just never really needed to do so…