The Weighting Game - WIP

The (hopefully!) bug free version of the January update is now uploaded on the Patreon site.

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just wondering how big can she get in this demo?

nvm just decided to scroll up sorry for asking a question thats already been answered

Haha, don’t worry. At least you bothered to find out for yourself :slight_smile:

She’ll get bigger in the next demo. I’m working on the first set of growth images now and they should all be in place by the end of the month.


For those who don’t follow the Patreon posts, here’s what’s happening this month…

Not much added to the gameplay as yet, but if all goes according to plan, there will be 60+ new images added to the Feb. demo. Most of these will be Alice at her first size increment.

Whatever time is left over after that will be devoted to enhancing the existing scenes rather than adding much in the way of other new stuff.


When will the demo come out for poor people( who haven’t signed up for Patreon)?

Good point! I think I said it’d be a couple of weeks after the Patreon early access… and it’s a couple of weeks since then… so how about now? :slight_smile:


Nice! When’s the other update coming up? I’m planning to join the patreon path soon xD

Glad you like it! The next update will be at the beginning of Feb, or maybe a little earlier as I have a weekend to myself! There’ll be a lot of new images added :slight_smile:

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Hey, before you ask, yes I did make an account just to ask this question. Probably because I was sleep deprived.
Anywho, I seem to be stuck in a constant loop of no matter what I do she always rejects it because she’s “trying to lose weight”
I’ve gone over every single event trying to see if there’s a way out of this, but have had no luck.
Is this the end of the content, or am I missing something?

I’m usually sleep deprived so I wasn’t going to ask :stuck_out_tongue:

From the sound of it, you’ve been teasing her a little too much. Perhaps start paying her a few compliments?

Can’t say if you’re at the end of the content or not as that routine does kick in whenever she gets really unhappy. And the unhappier she is, the more it’s likely to happen. It does need quite a bit of refining and I’m hoping to have that in place for the next demo - if I ever finish rendering all the new images! :stuck_out_tongue: At the moment, if you get her miserable enough about her size, she’ll be at the gym pretty much every time you call her, which isn’t very realistic and I’m looking at revising this.

A couple of hints. Firstly, if you get the text that she’s at the gym, go there and tell her that she looks good. That’ll raise her confidence slightly. Secondly, if you cook her dinner and get the ‘trying to lose weight’ message, reassure her rather than tease her.

i want to report you bug. It was in event at cafe after gym event in the morning

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/alicecafe.rpy", line 152, in <module>
NameError: name 'temphannah' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "alicecafe.rpyc", line 152, in script
  File "---\Alpha_1.1-pc\renpy\", line 1832, in execute
    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
  File "---\Alpha_1.1-pc\renpy\", line 2059, in py_eval
    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
  File "---\_WG\Alpha_1.1-pc\renpy\", line 2052, in py_eval_bytecode
    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
  File "game/alicecafe.rpy", line 152, in <module>
NameError: name 'temphannah' is not defined

Sat Jan 18 12:31:54 2020

I am looking same was here in the past.

That’s an interesting one! That variable is defined right at the start of the script so shouldn’t cause an error.

I’ll look into it and get it fixed. Thanks for reporting it :slight_smile:

edit Ugh! Typo in one of the references that calls that particular variable. Should be fixed in the next demo… I hope :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks again for pointing it out :slight_smile:

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Any chance of porting to other OSes.

Possibly - but not until the game is finished.

edit which OS did you have in mind? I’m not sure it’d be feasible to produce mobile versions. The game is already over 600MB in size and it’s going to get a lot bigger :stuck_out_tongue:

I could make an IOS version of the next demo, but I wouldn’t be able to support it as I have no access to a Mac. I do use a Mac at work, but can’t test it there, for obvious reasons…

Hey dude. I’m a really big fan of your game, and so far the story has been really awesome. I did play quite a bit, and after a while, when I talk to alice, whether it be in the cafe or in the office, the comments that she usually says when you tell her she looks fine doesn’t show up, but instead says “12comment not yet defined” or something like that. Does that mean I am at the end of the demo?

Hey, been following this amazing game for a while now but only just made an account. Can’t wait for more updates!

I did nothing one thing that might be a bug though, after seeing Hannah a few times in the cafe (2 times I think), she only appears outside the cafe with the same dialog. I can see there’s other pictures of her in the cafe but I can’t get to that, unless you just haven’t programmed it yet!

Not at the end as such… just that I haven’t yet written the text for those parts. It does explain this in the notes :slight_smile:

That’s not a bug. You’ve simply hit the end of the current scripting for Hannah. The game is still at a very early stage :slight_smile:

Subsequent demos are going to have a hard cap, I think. I’ve had a few messages (most very polite!) saying I’ve hit a glitch on day 50/60 100 etc. … and the game simply hasn’t been tested up to this point yet. So, I’m either going to cap it at the end of the current content, or at the very least have a message pop up saying you’ve hit the end of the current scripting.