The Weighting Game - WIP

I’ve hit Comment 21, and I finally found Mr. Pizza.

I’ve hit comment 26 (although, I did it by cheating and tampering with the save file :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I’m really loving the dialogue at the pub and the pizza scene that comes after it. Probably the hottest part of the game IMO; but, let’s be honest, overall the new content is simply on fire. :fire:

Also, to be of help: I did spot a couple of glitches. Most of them after going to the park and inviting Alice to the cafe (I’m guessing that part is going to be developed later). Still, this appears sometimes at the office:

Continue with the great work!

Very little time yesterday, today and tomorrow, but I will look into the glitches as soon as I can. Probably Thursday. I’m back at work then, but it should be quiet for the first few days. I should have a new version of the demo up over the weekend.

For future demos, I’m probably going to put a time cap in place. A lot of the errors being reported are way ahead of where I’ve worked up to.

Thanks for all the PMs. Sorry if I haven’t replied yet, but there are a lot of them.

For those who don’t know… I’m in the UK. So, if you send me a message at 2am my time asking for gameplay tips, you’re unlikely to get a quick reply. Especially if you send a follow up message an hour later wanting to know why I haven’t responded yet. You know who you are :stuck_out_tongue:

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Okay, that’s an interesting one. The ‘parkweather’ variable is automatically created right at the start of that section of the game, and if it was going to bomb out, it would do so before line 68 in the code, as the very first line of text in the park walking section uses that same variable to tell you whether it’s sunny or looks like it’s going to rain.

I’ve tested that section of the game loads of times and it’s never dropped out with that error. I’m just about to head out for the day, so don’t have time to look into it now, but have you modified your savegame in any way? That’s the only thing I can think of off the top of my head.

edit may have worked it out, although I’m currently away from my computer so can’t try it. Can you remember if that error occured after going to to the park and meeting Alice there (rather than visiting the park with her), then going for a walk with her as she suggests?

That one’s now sorted. Was a throwback to the previous method of defining how much she’d eat and I’d simply forgotten to remove it.

Hi all.

New here, just downloaded the latest update, very impressed so far. I have had an issue, my save is on day 42 and I get a hard crash whenever I do something other than the cafe or try and progress to the next day. Keep up the good work and have a happy new year!

Glad you like the game so far, and happy new year to you too!

Just to check, is this the December demo or the January demo that you’re running? Have you modified your save file at all?

And by hard crash, do you mean a crash to desktop? That’s kind of unusual with Ren’py. I’ve logged hundreds of hours testing the game and I don’t think that’s ever happened with me.

Do you get any sort of error message before the crash? I’ve played beyond day 42 a few times and I know that some people have gone well past day 100. If there’s no error message then that would suggest that you’ve simply been unlucky and had a random crash.

same error like the user above
anyway your game is so good

Thanks. That one has already been fixed, but I’d much rather hear about an error twice than not at all! :slight_smile:

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I download it today and I retried bur the error still exist when she eat more food in the morning
Do I need to redownload it?

The new version hasn’t been uploaded yet…

Hey guys just a quick question, is it possible for Alice to reach the weight on the main menu? if not, does anyone know what is the flag for the highest weight reached?

At the moment, no, its not possible, at least not visually. There is very little visible weight gain in the game at the moment. There will be some added this month.


Thanks for the quick reply.

Version was Alpha 1.1, the latest one I could see listed on your patreon page

Yep, that’s the latest version.

Did you get an error message? Or did the game just crash to the desktop?

Crash to desktop. New save behaved but did not progress as far as of yet

I’m fairly sure that’s just a one-off glitch. But do let me know if it happens again

a question but now the only way to play the next updates do i have to be a patreon member?

Each update will initially be Patreon only. I haven’t decided how long for as yet, but at least a couple of weeks. After that, it’ll be made public :slight_smile:

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