The Weighting Game - WIP

I hunger to see Alice (and Hannah’s) weight gain progression in game along with their personality changing. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Patience, young padawan… all things come to those who wait!

Had a bit more time to work on the game today, and I’m now cautiously optimistic that the first actual weight gain scene will be in the next demo! And, with any luck, I’ll have enough of the base game up and running by then to spend a LOT more time on the weight gain images from then onwards :slight_smile:


Alice is looking a bit shy… she’s perhaps nervous about you seeing how much weight she’s gained…


My eyes…

They HUNGER to see how much she has gained weight.

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Hey, can I ask where can i get the latest demo? I am considering subbing to your patreon, but I am not sure yet, so i am looking for the newest free demo.

There will be a new demo (with a fair bit of new content) posted within the next week, but this’ll be Patreons only. The latest freely available version is the December demo which is on the Patreon page.

Edited for typos cos I’m a bit drunk :stuck_out_tongue:

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For those who don’t check the Patreon page, the new demo will be up later today :slight_smile:


Great work man, coming along nicely and the hottest scene yet.

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Thanks! I’ve been nervously checking every 20 mins or so since I uploaded the demo. I’ve changed a lot of stuff and I was convinced there’d be some game-breaking stuff that I’d missed! But, a couple of tiny glitches aside, nobody has reported anything major yet, so I’m happy… so far at least!

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There are a few glitches but most of them can be dismissed by hitting “ignore”, they mostly pop up when her appetite is huge, like in the cafe between “are you really gonna eat all of that” and “god I’m a pig” part there is always a error that you have to hit ignore through. Same with “12/15 comment” when she visits you in the office and you offer a doughnut. I have a few questions though. Does player fitness effect anything? Are you planning on Hannah gaining any weight? Is it even possible to get Alice to eat more if you take her out to eat after finding her in the park? She always says “No thanks, I’m full.” regardless of how she feels about her weight.
Overall liking the update, seems like the mechanics are mostly done with, can’t wait for more descriptions and renders!

Despite having seen the scene multiple times, I just misread the one selection of three options as “Watch TV until Alice explodes.”

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Yeah, you will hit glitches at that stage because I’ve never yet had the chance to play much beyond about 40 days. I should maybe employ one of you guys as a playtester :stuck_out_tongue: If you’re htting ‘comment not defined yet’, it doesn’t mean you’re at the end of the game, simply that you’ve hit a point beyond where I’ve tested up to.

To answer your questions, player fitness doesn’t currently affect anything. It will at some point in the future. Hannah is part of the storyline, so I can’t really say anything beyond she will play a larger part in the story. How you interpret ‘larger’ is up to you :slight_smile: Alice eating more after the park meeting is a placeholder. This will be integrated soon.

Glad you like it so far. And yeah, that’s most of the mechanics in place now. Still some tidying up to do, but I now have enough of the core game up and running to be able to concentrate on new stuff.

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Hmmm, I should maybe add that line… get a few of the explosion/popping fans on board :stuck_out_tongue:

A new update!?! :open_mouth:

Error appeared when walking with alice at the park

Thanks. Will get that fixed later today :slightly_smiling_face:

@tiggertoo Are you still following your idea of posting first an initial version for Patreons only and later on it will be free for everybody or is it now completely just for patreons?

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And another error.

Day 63 in the new build, and 38 pieces of chocolate have just sacrificed themselves to Alice’s hedonistic appetite. :yum:

I got to Day 75 and 40 pieces before I called it quits.
Seems like tigertoo intends for her to get pretty big though, got up to “comment 20” before I stopped.
Honest critique, I think the difficulty for her to gain needs to be ramped up a bit. Maybe a higher difficulty mode with a few unexpected financial expenses against the player, or make it so she can’t eat as much (initially at least). Hard to say this early in development, wouldn’t want to upset the game balance needlessly though.

I really enjoy the bar dialog the most, the “model” one and the “lightweight” one after you leave the bar, both of them are fantastic when she is at higher weight levels