The Weighting Game - WIP

Eww. That’s not fun.

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That might not be fun, but I’m having a lot of fun expanding the pub scene :slight_smile:

Spoiler alert… There’s a new ‘love interest’ on the horizon. He’s Italian, his name begins with P and Alice is VERY interested in him

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I must BREAK Him…

If he wants to stand in the way of my cunning plan to fatten up Alice and Hannah, he better watch out.

Okay, here’s a fun little game. If you guys can guess his name, I’ll post a preview pic (once it’s finished rendering) of Alice and him together.

Only one guess each!

edit and, bearing in mind that I’m downright evil, it might not be exactly the first ‘name’ that springs to mind… :wink:

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I’ll guess Peter, but that’s probably wrong

Only one guess? Man, only clue is Italian - so Paolo? So many similar names it could be :joy:

Edit: Just noticed the name is in quotes, better not be something dumb like “Person 1” rofl. Already used my guess though.

hmm, Pacco, Peter? ohhh Phil! Phil! I stick with Phil.

so, apart from the fact that he is a possible rival, you can fatten him up too? or he fatten the Mc?

Lol ok, you guys aren’t thinking outside the box enough… or maybe you should be thinking inside the box?

It’s not Peter, Paolo or Phil, although you are on the right lines with it being a short name. And no, he’s not going to fatten up the MC… although he might well have that effect on Alice.

I should have read your prior comment. I’m now certain it’s Pasta or Pizza. :joy:

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You win the internet! My next clue was going to be that I’m going to make him as cheesy as possible…

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The lesson I learned, always pay attention to quotation marks. Though even with the cheese comment, it could still be Pasta or Pizza… then who knows Alice seems a fairly liberal girl. Maybe it’s an open relationship.

Well, here’s the pic (hot off the render press), so you can see for yourselves whether it’s pasta or pizza :slight_smile:


@Chaoticlord44 Bet you’re relieved :stuck_out_tongue:

Very relieved. You sneaky devil, you had me there. XD

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laughs in an evil fashion


“I usually prefer pizza or kebabs.”
“Pizza? Oh, don’t tempt me.”


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Like the new outfit, too!

Hey man I’m Italian, whatch out…
Lol I’m joking

Hehe, I was wondering if anyone would pick up on that :wink:

Just thought I’d post one of the size tests that I was messing around with this morning… :slight_smile:

For those of you who don’t check out the Patreon page (link in the first post), here’s what I’ve added to the game so far this month… not a great deal of free time for obvious reasons, but I’ve still got a fair bit done.

The gym scene is up and running and has a few images.

The pub scene now has images. And the text has been improved. I enjoyed doing this bit!

The walk section has been improved a little. Still needs more work though.

The running in the park scene is up and … running (sorry, couldnt’ resist - it’s been a long week!).

A (very) WIP clothes shopping scene is now in.

Loads of other tweaks and improvements. And, depending on time, I should have more stuff added before the January demo :slight_smile: