The Weighting Game - WIP

Yup! Hand feeding her the chocolate isn’t even obligatory. I’m making a big assumption that it matters to do so, either in the amount she consumes, the romanticism (lust) it inspires in her, or both.
Eman’s suggestion is solid, though, not least because it adds context. I’m here guessing that 26 pieces is 6+ bars based on appearances, but that is just a guess. Funneling # bars into her tummy has more gravitas than an unknown volume of “pieces”.

In my experience as a feeder, hand feeding definitely matters. It’s great breaking off a piece of chcolate and giving it to your feedee to eat, but (IMO at least) actually placing the food into her mouth is on a whole different level. Maybe I’m just weird :stuck_out_tongue:


Well yes, but I meant in context of the game. Does hand feeding Alice get more food into her than just giving her the chocolate?

Haha, that’s for me to know, and you guys to find out :wink:

Experience implies yes. So I’m running with that until something tells me otherwise.

I think I finally have actually tapped out the current demo build for content. Two weeks of feeding with no change in behavior or conversation, and the only remaining marker of progress is the chocolates. I just saved with a new record of 53 pieces, which is batshit crazy, and came about after an entire weekend day of having Alice over for movie time, with chocolate feedings at every session, with “larger portion” dinners at the last two as well (those being at 1700 and 2000, 1700 being the earliest you can cook for her).

The amount of days you’ve played, I’d be amazed if you haven’t found everything :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d better get some more content added for the next demo!


::begins attempting to accelerate time to January::


Ah, but then Alice would miss out on all those fattening Christmas meals…

How are you guys getting into this chocolate feeding mini game? I’m on like day 40 and she only ever takes one and calls me a pedophile…

Pedophile? There is NO mention of pedophilia in the game.

She will say that feeding her is childish, but that’s just placeholder text for the end of the feeding session.

In the event I could ‘skip’ forward in time to January, everyone else would still experience the period inbetween. And reality would be royally fucked up by my brief absence.

It was a joke! Seriously though, how do I get her to take more than one?

For now, just follow the excellent walkthrough that @Schattenjaeger posted three days ago. That should get you going :slight_smile: Although I should warn you that there will be a number of changes coming in the January demo which will invalidate some of it.

And, speaking of the January demo, I’ve just posted an update on Patreon with a few details on what I’ve managed to add so far this month.

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Mostly just make her happy, be romantic, and build her appetite. It took a fair amount of time to break one piece for me on my run; I could try starting a new game and see how long it takes, although it would be with the experience garnered from the current run.

Currently, every time she accepts being fed a piece, it increments her feedee level by one. Once this level hits a certain threshold, it’ll increase by one the amount of times she’ll let you feed her in one session. In the current version of the game, this means that it starts off extremely slowly (which is fine), but - and I hadn’t realised how much some of you guys would play the demo - also means that once it does start to increment, it speeds up. A lot. Especially if you’re going through 30 plus pieces of chocolate in one session :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got a few ideas for changing this up a bit. Should hopefully be in place by the end of the month.

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An important caveat, I suppose, in the current build then is that you need to feed her chocolate to feed her more chocolate. Meaning trying to get her stuffed when you ask her over may be counterproductive to increasing her capacity for chocolate itself. Again, I have no way of knowing exactly how much fullness is commuted through chocolate feedings and how her “feedee level” impacts overall gluttonous tendencies and WG. That’s a game mechanic detail which Tigger isn’t sharing = P

Fucked on day 13, still working past the 1 piece mark. Taking a balanced approach to forcing it rather than going all in (ie still working).

30 pieces of chocolate?

I managed to hit the triple digits…

Yes. I have played this game that much.

@Schattenjaeger if I share too many of the game mechanics (only shared that one because it’s going to be radically changed soon :p) then that’d make the game too easy!

@Chaoticlord44 it starts to increment way too quickly once you get past a certain amount due to the way it’s coded. As I’ve said before, I simply didn’t anticipate people playing the game for so long at this stage, although it’s seriously bloody flattering that you do!

I should perhaps put a hard cap on how far you can progress in the next demo? If you guys keep playing for huge amounts of time then you’re going to see text only descriptions of things that will happen and the images will lose their impact when they’re added.

(small aside… I am curently fuming because after 11 hours and getting to 94% complete, Daz Studio has just crashed mid-render, and I have a nasty feeling I hadn’t saved the file!)