The Weighting Game - WIP

Thanks. I already have this, or at least the Genesis 3 iteration. It’s pretty good, especially when combined with a few other tweaks! :slight_smile:

edit and yeah, I’ve seen those sliders. I’d love to include some animation in the game, but that’s simply not going to be possible. I’d never get the thing finished :stuck_out_tongue:

16??? Ok, I’ve had a few messages from people who’ve got around the double figure mark, but never that many! I hereby award you the Tiggertoo mark of merit for dedication to the cause! Personally, I’ve never got beyond four, but then I’ve never played for much more than 20-25 days. I’m constantly starting new games to check that the new bits I’ve added don’t throw anything out :stuck_out_tongue:

The seven trips to the cafe in a single day is interesting. I could have sworn that the current demo had a hard cap of two per day (plus park). Not sure without going throught it all whether that’s an actual bug, or whether you’ve simply tipped a variable too far. Probably the latter. In any case, all the ‘how much she eats’ stuff will be revised at some point soon to take account of how big she is and how greedy you’ve managed to make her :slight_smile:

Every time I took her to the cafe that day (and I only did it that day, to see a) if I could and b) if it would accelerate her gluttony more than the normal routine), after the first two times she said that we’d already been there twice today, and our character replied that she “hadn’t eaten that much” (wow that’s a straight lie = P), which she agreed to. It’s probably important that she said “twice” for the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th trips as well as the third. So I probably did break something = P

For the record, I’m currently on day 133. And I think I actually am up to 18 pieces of chocolate (ETA: 19 as of right now), when I can actually get her to accept snacks. Despite being able to push 7 big cafe meals into her in one day, when the game is making sense of itself, a morning binge, 4-8 donuts, and 1 or more mentions of two cream cakes has her “uncomfortable” for the nightly dinner at my place, and “ready to pop” after either portion size (though she’ll eat either portion size), at which point she doesn’t want a snack anymore… although she does ask if you have any chocolate immediately after proclaiming she’s stuffed = P


Ah, of course! lightbulb goes off in my head I’d completely forgotten that there’s currently no cap on the bit where you try (try is the wrong word seeing as there’s no checks yet in place on that sections, so she’ll always say yes) to get her to go to the cafe again. I simply haven’t played far enough into the game to trigger that!

That’ll need fixing soon!!!

Day 133??? Hells bells, that’s well over 100 days further than me. I’m absolutely amazed it’s still running and hasn’t given any serious errors at that point. Apart from all the bits that simply don’t exist, of course!

I’d love to play more of the game, but every time I get to the mid-20s I think of something else I can add and go back… and go back… and go back. That’s one reason that as of next month, there’s going to be a test version before the ‘official’ version of the demo. I simply don’t have the time to test everything out properly and I’m going to be relying big time on the Patrons to help me out with this.

Aside from trying to see what else I can get her to do/say that’s indicative of continued gluttony or growth, the main reason I haven’t stopped is because the game hasn’t ended. So many of these little demo/pre-alpha games have soft or hard caps on progression. If this one does, I haven’t hit it yet = P

The only two hard errors I’ve run into, both of which are already documented, are the duck pond incident (“You look hungry too.” Damn, that feels like a wet dream waiting to happen.), and when you start asking Alice if she’s “going to eat all that” at the Cafe. And Renpy allows you to just skip code errors and keep going, so neither one really breaks anything.

(PS It’s probably a good thing I joined your Patreon then = P)

@Schattenjaeger What is your routine for increasing Alice’s greed? I’m 50 days in and am pretty sure that I’ve seen all dialogue except for the one where she binges in the café. I’m currently at 5 chocolates so I would assume that I’ve managed to increase her greed by a little bit?

Yeah, both of those errors are fixed. I think :stuck_out_tongue: (I’ve added a lot more code since fixing them, so something else may well still trigger them!)

And no, there aren’t any caps on the game yet. You can just keep going. That’ll change eventually, as I add more of the story, but for now, no limits!

You’ve probably seen the vast majority of it, I’d say.

And don’t plan on getting too set in any routines, as I know certain other players have done. An endlessly repetitive routine isn’t much fun (in my opinion, anyway) and I’m gonna do my best to break up said routines. Oooh, I’m evil!

This’ll be implemented in the demo next month. Not sure at this point how much of it will be in, but the first elements are already in place. The gym is there for a reason!

Hahaha yeah it’s probably for the best to have the gym act as a countermeasure. That way Alice doesn’t just get bombarbed with café dates straight of the bat (not that I have anything against that :wink:

It’s nice to know that I’ve explored all the demo has to offer. I’ve just been enjoying it so much that I wanted to make certain that I hadn’t missed anything! Keep up the good work, looking forward to January!

I can’t say you’ve found everything, but you’ve found the bulk (pun intended). If you keep pushing you’ll find new behaviors and conversational tidbits that hint at future content, but Tigger himself is astounded I’ve gone that far in = P

I’ll go into detail on my routine later, when I get home and have a full keyboard.

Okay, so. Obviously in the early game you need to gain favor with Alice. Throw compliments at her like whoa, just focus completely on making her feel good, especially as you start pushing food at her and she begins to gain weight (you can eventually get away with teasing, and you should because her responses get wonderful). Go to the movies a couple times a week, go shopping, have her over to your house at 1800 (cook her dinner, same portions) and go to the pub after 2000 on the reg, since this will be well before she’s propositioning you for sex. You don’t need to spend so much time working in the early game, so you can also see her at the park during the day. That said, when you do work, make sure to Work Hard, so that her visitation scene can trigger, as this gives you the opportunity to push more food at her during the day (for free!). It’s also worth taking coffee breaks now and then to make sure you unlock Hannah, though there is very little to do with her thus far.
Further in, the routine breaks down as follows:
Take Alice to breakfast at the Cafe. Getting her full early will stifle her efforts to exercise as she’s “eaten too much to run”.
Work Hard 3-4 times, taking a coffee break (or two) for energy if you need so that you have 3 energy left at 1800. Feed Alice donuts anytime she comes in to say hi.
Have Alice over to your house for a movie. Cook her dinner. Give her the bigger portion.
If she says she’s “full”, (or doesn’t comment about her fullness) you can feed her a snack. Obviously, put as much chocolate in her mouth as you can before she says it’s “childish”. But if she’s “going to pop”, just ask her if she’s enjoying herself, and if that falls into a choice, pick the complimentary option. Eg if she mentions the actress, tell her she has “nothing to be jealous of”.
If she doesn’t choose to fuck you, take her to the Pub. Sometimes she’ll not answer if you call at 2200 or later; check the Park for her and walk with her if she’s there, this will build romantic interest. You can also ask her over to your place again and shove more of your cooking down her throat = P
Repeat for the entire week. Save the Cinema for one of the weekend days since there’s very little you can do otherwise on the weekend. Also take her shopping on the weekend; at this point in the gamedev, the “trendy” jeans always fit, which will make her feel better about gaining weight.
As her appetite and body grows, her behaviors, attitude, and commentary will shift towards neutrality, then acceptance and even, eventually, eagerness for more.

ETA: Lots of the little details in this guide have been ruined by the new demo build, but the general routine is still in place. Note: new spoilers in this section! Food in the morning, work during the day, food at your place in the evening. Maybe visit the park or gym during the day to see if she’s around; the cap on trips to the cafe means you don’t need more than 6 hours of work per day to stay afloat. Visit the park/gym more on the weekend since you aren’t working. And visit the shops somewhat frequently so she won’t be jarred by outgrowing sizes so much.


I had assumed it was decorative.

BTW, 21 chocolate pieces :grin:

ETA: Spoke too soon, 23!


Wow thank you so much for the elaborate explanation! And 26 chocolates? That’s insane!

I’ve gotten everything except the actress question, what unlocks that?

It kind of is, yeah. If we judge by size, based on the image in game, that’s a bit over 1400 calories in chocolate. (The morsels supplied by your PC to Alice are about the size of 1/4 of a standard, 1.55oz Hershey bar, which totals 220 calories, or 55 per quarter.)

When you watch “slushy” movies at your place, in reaction to asking if she’s enjoying herself.

Looking at that huge walkthrough/guide makes me realise just how much game there is so far. Especially as there’s virtually nothing of actual story in there yet. Not bad for two months work!

Looks like I’m going to have to revamp the feeding part at some point soon. Perhaps simply put a cap on it for the timebeing? If you’re feeding her 20+ pieces of chocolate in one session, that’s gonna get very monotonous!


A game doesn’t need much story to be interesting and entertaining/fun, unless it’s a point-and-click adventure or VN in which the story is everything. I know TWG is fixing to be a VN with a story, but for the moment the framework in place effectively makes it a “semi-active realistic feeding simulator”, and it does that very well even with the limited library of responses to things.

Yeah, 20+ chocolates is pretty cray. Having estimated the caloric value of that, I’m far less put out over her being “uncomfortable” at a weekend dinner with a trip to the movies included. For comparison, 1400 calories is 3-4 donuts, and that’s a fair average measure for how many she eats on a weekday from her office visits.
That said, it’s not really ‘monotonous’ when it’s the part which gets me off most strongly at this point. Maybe if/when more erotic commentary for other actions comes into play it won’t be?


A cap would be easy to write in, just have the bar run out of chocolate piece after a certain amount.
For the people that want to click on the “feed another piece” button 30 times in a row (and I will admit I am one of them) you could have the player attempt to feed her a second chocolate bar if she manages to eat the first one but have a check that requires Alice gluttony and stomach capacity to be much higher to agree to it than what is required for the first one.

The feeding side of the game will definitely be improved at some stage, but probably not for the next demo. Will have to see how much time I have. I guess I can just leave it as it is for now. After every piece of chocolate, you get the option to stop, so for those who find it getting tedious, they can simply stop and move on.

So many things to work on… so little time!