The Weighting Game - WIP

Thanks! I guess that (bug reports aside, which are welcome) since I’ve had virtually no negative comments about the game so far, it’s pretty much a success up to this point :slight_smile:

An observation I have is that I’m at a stage with hand feeding Alice where the clicking has become increasingly repetitive (around 30 pieces now), to the point now that I find myself skipping the option altogether.

A small QoL improvement could be to feed in greater quantities per click, to reduce the number of clicks. I also note that Alice has a growing affinity for chocolate so perhaps this can be used to indicate improved feeding options?

At “moderate” affinity:

You feed Alice 3 pieces in quick succession. (continue this way until)

She begins to slows down, taking her time in savouring each piece. (revert back to single-piece feeding)

At “high” affinity (where she can’t stop thinking about chocolate):

Knowing Alice’s appetite for chocolate well, you don’t stop until she has eaten X pieces. (could skip straight to satiety or still leave a little room to revert back to single-piece feeding)

With that aside, as for the rest of the game I am happy with the progress and look forward to seeing more!


Now that’s interesting…

I actually had the same concern and brought the matter up a few weeks back. I was planning to modify it, but the general feeling seemed to be that the individual piece feeding (some had got way beyond 30 pieces) was very enjoyable, so I left it as is.

That said, in my test playthroughs, I do find it repetitive to feed her so many individual pieces, so I’ll perhaps look into a compromise. Something between the current feeding indoor (piece by piece) scene and the outdoor (half/full bar) feeding scene. Perhaps, as you mentioned, taking it as read that she eats x pieces in one go, and then feeding her a few more individual pieces.

Anyone else got any thoughts on this?

Perhaps an additional option for someone who wants to skip the bar, and maintain other options for those who want to go piece by piece? Something along the lines of:

I feed Alice a piece of chocolate and she coos as it goes down.

  • Feed her another piece

  • Feed her as much as she can handle

  • Give her the rest of the bar


A good potential compromise could be to have the option to do both in a menu after you choose to feed her chocolate . It might be a good idea from a gameplay perspective to make it so that if you feed her individually you can feed her more of the candy than if you choose to feed her the bar so there is a reward for doing it.

I’ll be honest, I break out an autoclicker set to about 80ms per click (if I feel like counting) or much lower if I don’t (Ren’py seems to be able to process as low as about 20ms per click on your game).

Considering on my current save (which I’ve stopped iterating on) I’m somewhere around 200 pieces… that’s not only a lot of clicking, it’s also a nutballs amount of chocolate. (Given my guess as to piece size and caloric value, she’s eating nearly 5 pounds and 11,000 calories in chocolate by that point…)

That being said, being able to bypass (partially or in total) the action and get a calculated piece count would be fine at higher numbers, like Gary’s suggestion, with Falcon’s bit added in that manually pushing individual pieces is more effective than “automating” it.


Right, I’ll look into changing the feeding section. It was going to get updated at some point anyway, but I’ll make it a priority for next month. It’s yet another part of the game where you guys have played way way beyond where I’ve tested up to, and while it works fairly well at the start of the game, the way it increments means that once the numbers start going up, they start going up quite quickly.

Thanks for the feedback :stuck_out_tongue:


Of course I’m not gonna begrudge anyone who does enjoy going through the whole process, so yeah maybe it’s as simple as giving an additional option as Gary succinctly put it.

Could be another angle to explore where you feed Alice to her limit and yet even after that she still begs you for one or two more pieces- her addiction to chocolate being entrenched at this point…

I was always planning on refining that aspect of the game anyway. Laborious feeding aside, like virtually every part of the game, it’s all work in progress. It would have been changed sooner or later; will now be sooner :slight_smile:

Won’t be done this month. I’ve pretty much finalised the Feb demo, and it’s all ready to go apart from the last few images that I need to add. I’ve been playtesting it quite a bit this weekend and everything seems to be working.


Wait Feb demo is nearly done? Can hardly wait. Thanks for updating so reliably, crazy how fast the game and Alice are taking shape.

Well, it is almost February… tbh, I could probably put the demo out tomorrow, if todays final testing goes okay.

But, I’d like to get as many of the new images (there are a lot! Every scene now has Alice at her new bigger size) in place as possible before I do. I almost certainly won’t have them all done by the end of the month, so I’m planning on releasing the test version with a few missing images and then having the last few pics in place by the time I upload the stable version.


Now that right there, makes me tear up.

“I could probably put the demo out tomorrow”. Don’t give me hope like that, Tiggertoo! Don’t crush me like this!

Okay… it’s nowhere near ready and will be at least a couple more weeks. That better? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now that just made me cry. You joking, right?

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Can’t be dissapointed if it doesn’t drop tomorrow now :wink: Seriously though, can’t wait for for the new images of Alice in this demo, I’m gonna end up checking the patreon daily for the new build!

The test version will be ready before the end of the month. No definite ETA yet as I’ve just found a bug which needs squashing first.


Alrighty, hope you can tame that little buger.

I’ve enjoyed the gym sessions where you notice Alice is slowing down and struggles. I thought perhaps if you ever decide to introduce her house as a location, maybe once she’s at a certain weight/unfitness level she could trigger an event where she rolls her ankle and you have to take care of her for a week or something, or I suppose she could stay at your place for a week which now seems much easier for an implementation perspective.

Has the potential for a few possibilities, you doting on her, leaving snacks around - she unable to go to the gym for a period of time.


Thanks for the suggestions! I’m always keen to hear new ideas that I can add to the game :slight_smile:

There will certainly be new activities added to the game involving Alice. Just a question of finding the time to add them :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve currently no plans to involve anything along the lines of looking after her for an extended period. The vast majority of the activites in the game involve being out of the house, so this’d necessitate adding a whole new batch of content to the game. It’s a nice idea though! Maybe I can work something in at some point… :slight_smile: