The Weighting Game - WIP

Yeah, I figured as much. Not sure that juice is worth the squeeze.

But yeah, essentially in the earlier Pokemon games, you’re given the choice of a fire vs water vs earth type Pokemon that you basically grow and nurture, but picking one basically excludes the others until later on in the game. Then obviously each has its own advantages and disadvantages. So you sorta nailed what I was getting at.

@tiggertoo I have a question. I don’t know if I’m just too stupid but I don’t really get it with the compliments for Alice. Up until now my strategie was: The first action would be call Alice and than tell her a compiment and I took this option until I told her 50 times a compliment and after that I ask her if she wants to do something and invite her to the cafe. After the Cafe I again tell her 50 times the compliment option and after that I let the main person went to work. In total I let the main character call Alice at least 4 times only to tell her 50 times the compliment. This strategy works for some days, but after that Alice is still unsure and wants to diet. And therefore, I want to ask if you could like implement a bar chart at the to where I can see how confident / happy Alice is? For example if it is full she is happy and doesn’t want to diet and if the bar is empty she is not happy and wants to diet? I just want to know how much impact does one compliment have, because than I could know if I need more than 50 compliments. I mean a bar chart like in the game “A piece of cake” where you can see how emptie your stomach is.

And a second thing I don’t get is: If you visit the park early you have a chance of meeting Alice while she is jogging. She askes you if you would take her for some food and after that in the cafe she eats and then you can ask her if she wants something more to eat. Up until now she always answers No I’m full. Even if the response for the first meal is She is ravenous and watches your plate as you eat (or something like that).
Thank you very much. In general a very beautiful and great game.

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No, you’re not being stupid. The compliments don’t actually have any effect as yet. They’ve been there pretty much from the start and were originally added just as a bit of conversation. Don’t forget that everything in the game is work in progress at present. That said, it’s about time I did a bit more with them, so I’ll put them on the to do list! :slight_smile:

As for asking Alice if she wants more food… I seem to remember you’re playing the Feb demo? This option doesn’t do anything in that version of the game. In the latest version (0.2), as Alice gets greedier, you may have more luck if you ask her… :wink:

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@tiggertoo Ok than I don’t really need to tell her 4 times 50 compliments and it would be sufficient to tell her just like 10 compliments over the day.? Great can’t wait till the next free version drops.

@tiggertoo And in the Feb demo I can’t really get Alice to the point where she tells me her weight after she went in the bathroom. Any tips regarding this? And how do I increase the number of chocolate I can feed her?


Just realised that I forgot to address your question about the happiness/confidence indicator. The game tracks these, so I could add them easily enough, but I have no plans (this may change!) to implement them at the moment. I’m not a big fan of loads of on-screen stats. Plus, if you knew exactly how happy/confident she is, it’d make the game a lot easier, and it’s already pretty simple :slight_smile: In the Feb demo, quite a few of her responses don’t track her happiness/confidence all that well. In the 0.2 demo, the response routine has been tweaked quite a bit to (hopefully) make the responses work better.

The compliments really don’t have any effect whatsoever at present. You can compliment her once a week or 50 times a day (I’m impressed at your efforts!) and they won’t affect her mood at all. I’ll do some work on this part of the game for the next demo :slight_smile:

As for her telling you her weight, I did make it clear that this wasn’t implemented in the Feb demo. But this was weeks ago, so easy to miss! In 0.2 she’ll tell you her weight (sometimes :stuck_out_tongue: ).

In the Feb version, the amount of chocolate you can feed her will stay the same for a while, and then start to go up. Far too quickly. I’ve heard from people who have her at well over 100 pieces of chocolate in that version of the game. This was monotonous… not to mention unrealistic. Yet another issue that was addressed in 0.2. And will probably be modified further as the game develops.

@tiggertoo Thank you very much.

I’m actually kind of a fan of all of the choices/activities that are fluff and don’t affect the stats/progression.

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Since we’re talking about compliments, let’s bring up the flip-side that is teasing as well! Teasing carries largely negative connotations at first (“Alice frowns…”) but over time her attitude towards teasing softens, sometimes provoking a stoic response or even a laugh.

Like with compliments, do these also currently not affect gameplay as of yet? Also, since teasing is a bit of a tricky subject to interpret at times, would you consider adding more intuitive feedback to the teasing responses for the benefit of the player? It doesn’t have to be as dry as a numeric modifier ("+0.02 Mood") if you want to avoid that sort of thing but it could be a quick summary of the exchange added to the end, akin to the MC’s thoughts (“She seemed to like that.”).

Any time you’re presented with a menu choice such as ‘tease’, the game will take her response into account.

As ever, everything is work in progress, but the teasing is implemented and will have an effect, albeit a very small one. If you tease her and she’s okay with it, certain stats will go up a little. If she’s ambivalent towards it, the stats will remain the same, and if she doesn’t like it, the same stats will drop slightly. It should be fairly obvious from her response what she thinks about a particular comment.


Hey man! Absolutely love the game! I was wondering if the march version of the game is going to be free in a future or if the last free version was the february one.

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It should never be possible to farm positivity like this. In fact, trying should hurt Alice’s opinion of you because you’re clearly trying to exploit her. Once or twice per day is enough (eg in the morning before breakfast and perhaps when you phone her for dinner). In addition to in-dialog moments, of course (at the gym, in the bathroom, etc.)

Agreed :slight_smile: As I’ve said, the compliments don’t have any effect at present, but I’ll work on revising that. In the interim, I’ve already adjusted the dialogue so that you can only give one compliment per day over the phone.

Glad you like it!

I’m not sure at this point what will happen with the free version. I’ve had a few really quite nasty messages on Patreon accusing me of using the hard cap in the Feb demo to try and force players to pay for the latest version. That was never my intention, it was simply an experiment that didn’t work, and as players of the latest version will know, the hard cap is now gone.

I always intended to make the final version of the game free, so I may simply pull the demo version and only put a free version out once the game is complete.

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@tiggertoo Could you or someone else explain how this Patreon thing works? What have I to do? Can I at somepoint say stop I don’t want to pay anymore? Is an account free or does the account cost extra money?

The account is free but you have to pay tiggertoo monthly to subscribe to his patreon. When you no longer want to be subscribed you can cancel payments, but the moment you cancel payments you no longer have access to any of the content that is for his patrons.


I don’t suppose there will be a March demo coming out soon? If not, I understand. Times are crazy and whatnot.

But after that cliffhanger ending of the 0.2 demo, I really need to see how this pans out. Love it so far.

Errr, that version only came out a couple of weeks ago. 0.2 IS the March demo :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s actually not the ‘March’ demo as such. After the Feb version, I decided to produce a demo every 6-8 weeks (roughly) to take some of the pressure off.

Glad you’re enjoying it so far! :slight_smile:

Ah, my mistake, sorry.

And I rather it be developed slowly and end up amazing, rather than have it rushed and end up terrible.

Keep up the good work!

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@falcon82mm Thanks. Great now I know what I have to do if @tiggertoo decides to pull the free demo versions