The Weighting Game - WIP

Just played (and finished I believe) the March payed release. Really excellent work dude. A level far above the previous release. Seems to progress more slowly at first, but I really dug the side adventures with Hannah, and really liked the cliffhanger. Hopefully the next update allows you to advance past the cliffhanger?

Anyways, a couple questions: I’m not sure I ever “sent the text” to Hannah that one of the other users was referring to. Last I recall, she quits smoking and has a big meal with you. Did I miss something? Will she ever gain weight? Also, I seemed to be able to progress past the cliffhanger ending for quite a bit before it seemed to stop progressing. Is that the natural conclusion of everything thus far? Interestingly the sister saga came after the cliffhanger for me, and I’m not sure if that was by design, but at this point nothing new seems to happen. Lastly, I got Alice up to 191lbs before I started getting “comment not defined” messages. Is that as far as we can currently take her?

Otherwise, I just really wanted to thank you for putting together such a great game. I’ve had a lot of fun with each version so far.

Also, forgot to mention one glitch: after you get well into the game, at some point when you are feeding Alice chocolate in the movie theater it somehow transitions directly into feeding her at your place. And once that happens, it consistently happens after that.

Glad you’re liking it!

A few answers… The Hannah text that’s been mentioned has been removed. It shouldn’t have been in the test version of the demo. As for her gaining weight, you’ll have to wait and see. The ending is just a way of letting you know that you’ve hit the end of the current content. You can carry on playing for as long as you want, but the game hasn’t been tested beyond that point so it’s inevitable you’ll hit bugs.Are you sure about the sister part of the story coming after the ending? That shouldn’t be possible as the ending is triggered by the sister visit concluding. Pretty sure I know what’s causing the chocolate glitch. I’ll look into that :slight_smile:

Hiya! I’m considering the patreon, is there much more content in this version than the recent demo build? Wondering as I’m not too great with money at the minute, but I’m definitely considering!

Hopefully someone else will answer this. My opinion is probably biased :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’d say you won’t be disappointed if you consider contributing at least one month. The new version is great, Alice’s definitively looking chubbier, and there’s plenty of scenes worth visiting (including a shower sex scene).

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Found a bug in the final v2 game. If you take Alice to the theater and feed her chocolates it randomly cuts out to the house chocolate feeding scene. It’s like you both instantly teleported home.

If you’re at all on the fence, get it. I’m not one to pressure someone to spend money, but this update has a ton of content - I’d be surprised for anyone to be disappointed with what we got this month. It’s like twice the game it was.

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Yep. Already fixed that, but as it occurs so late into the present content, I’m not going to upload a new version just for that unless I get a lot of requests to do so.

That’s awesome, you keep up with things pretty well it seems.
I would love to see embarrassing/shameless public stuffings, where she might hide or show off herself depending on how she feels about it. Also love the descriptions that emphasize how full she is, best part of the game imo.


Joined on Patreon, really love the content you have so far! The images all look great, but your writing is definitely the best part. I’m hoping you can find a nice balance to development so that you and your PC don’t get burned out.


Thanks… there’s a lot more to come!

New poll up on the patreon page - for everyone, not just patrons, so please feel free to vote and comment :slight_smile:

One small bug I encountered and looked into: if you ask Alice to the cafe for a third time with a sufficient stat, she will agree to go, then immediately decline saying she’s gone too many times.

In the callalice script, after the cafeask label, the if statement starting on line 592 is missing the “jump alicecafe”, so it runs into the if cafetodaycount >=2 statement and declines the invite.

Edit: One other one while I was poking around - In the parkwalk script, in the equality statements after ducksfeed, lines 452 and 458 compare if a value is >=35 and >=85, while it should be checking for <=85.

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Thanks! I’ll look into those and get them fixed :slight_smile:

The game is great but is it possible you could add a mode that accelerates the game a bit, like something that eliminates already seen content or puts a marker on locations with new content?

I currently don’t have any plans to do that, I’m afraid. You have to keep going through the already seen content in order to progress, which is why I’ve added quite a few new scenes to try and make this more enjoyable/varied.


I’m just going to chime in as well, this game is pretty dope. Really looking forward to the next update and whatever it brings.

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@tiggertoo , I had an idea for the game. It may be totally unworkable given your progress so far I think it might add a neat layer of complexity to the game.

What I was thinking was this: right now
Hannah plays more of a homewrecker role, which I’ve really enjoyed. What if you introduced her earlier on, and made things almost like the original Pokemon games, where you have to sort of decide which one you’re suiting? Alice and Hannah retain their personalities and keep duking it out for your attention, but theoretically you could do all the same things with Hannah as you do with Alice?

Maybe that would add way too much complexity or rewriting to the game, but it would be a neat twist.

Thanks! Always happy to hear ideas, whether workable or not!

Small confession to start with. I have never played a Pokemon game, so don’t really know much about what you mean. Along the lines of deciding early on which character to date?

I did toy with the idea of giving Hannah a bigger role pretty much from the outset, but decided against it. Mostly because giving her the same amount of options as you have with Alice would mean creating and rendering a huge amount of extra images. Add in all the extra coding and writing and It’d take me roughly twice as long (at a conservative estimate) to update the game as it does currently, so instead of six to eight weeks, we’d be talking 12 to 16 weeks or more. It would also massively increase the filesize of the game, and I’m already concerned about how large it’s getting.

However, I will say that as the game progresses, we will be seeing quite a bit more of Hannah… :slight_smile: