The Weighting Game - WIP

That’s awesome, very excited to see her progress in the background too. Might make Alice feel less self conscious if the waitress is ballooning too! Focus on the main content first, but it’ll be a fun addition whenever you get the time to add it.


Yeah, I agree with that. Better to just focus on the main content for the moment, and then add the little details later. But it’s still your game, don’t let me tell you how to run your ship :stuck_out_tongue:

One very positive thing a gallery would do is tell us whether or not we’ve seen everything there is to see. And then decide if that bothers us or not = P

I can’t decide whether to add one or not, although I probably will.

If I do then, assuming you enjoyed the game enough to want to replay it(!), it’ll lessen the replay value as, depending on how you play, certain images are less/more likely to be seen than others. That said, if you know you haven’t seen something, it might increase the desire to replay the game and hunt out the bit that you’ve missed?

I would definitely be in the category in favour of a gallery. How can I be an insane completionist without a list to fill?

As for replayability, I’m not sure you need to worry. This game is a rare gem in this kink. The fact is, most WG games of this scope never even get this far, let alone get finished. To take Boundless as an example, I have quite a strong dislike for most of the game’s content. Despite that, I figured out ways to avoid what I hated, and still managed to sink many hours into the game.

And if I’m willing to sink that much time into something I mostly don’t like, I can only imagine how much I’ll sink into this.


Like I said, I’ll probably add one :slight_smile: It was suggested to me the other day that I make the gallery part of a Patreon only reward - for those who have contributed a lot to the game, either financially or with help/advice. Seems like a pretty good idea!

There’s not much I dislike more than a game being abandoned part way through. Obviously, real life sometimes causes this, and that’s fair enough, but so many potentially fantastic games simply never get finished because the dev loses interest. Hopefully, this won’t go the same way. Six months - as of yesterday - in, and I’m still loving writing it! Am actually playing through it right now (it’s a tough job!) up to the 0.2 ending to do a final check that all the new bits are working properly.


I just replayed the great 0.2 ending a couple of days ago and I’m eager to see what 0.3 brings!

One quick thing I noticed this time: is Alice fatter/at-her-4th-weight at the end of the 0.2 cliffhanger? It seems that way to me, but it may be a trick of the light.

(If you’d rather not say and keep it secret until 0.3, that’s perfectly understandable.)

Jesus, that last response of yours nearly gave me a heart attack. I read “There’s not much I dislike more than a game being abandoned part way through. Obviously, real life sometimes causes this[…]” and I could feel the color drain from my face.

Anyway, looking forward to the next release, keep up the amazing work!

Haha, no. I just meant that sometimes there are totally justifiable reasons for people to abandon work on their games. I wasn’t hinting that I was going to do so.

My lips are sealed…!

(many elipses added to get past the 20 character minimum limit)

edit although the system seems to have pruned them :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair enough… I guess I’ll have to wait til the next update to find out :yum: :crossed_fingers:

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Poll about the pacing of the game is now up on the Patreon page. It’s for everyone, so please feel free to vote and comment :slight_smile:

For the most part, I’m pretty happy with the current pace (though I’ve been accused of having a short attention span :sweat_smile:), but I do agree it’s unfortunate that some scenes aren’t triggering.

I don’t suppose it’d be possible to weight the chances of a scene triggering based proportional to how many times each scene whose conditions are currently met has been encountered? Then delay triggering the next milestone until all the scenes (or some critical percentage) for the current stage have been scene at least once.

Or rather, of course it’s possible, almost anything is possible, but it’s likely too much work at this point to do something fancy like that.

Actually, I’d really like to see a scene counter or something, so I know if I actually have visited all the possible scenes. Though the discussed gallery would probably fill the same role, if it also counted how many scenes we haven’t scene. That’d help reassure that nagging feeling that I’m missing some of the new content in each release, and encourage replays and different play strategies if I want to see what I’m missing :wink:

I think from what I’ve seen so far its a great pace and certainly shouldn’t go any faster. If you’re only going to be adding things and there’s more and more to do then maybe slowing down could be a benefit. As long as there is something productive to do and there’s content then it doesn’t really matter.

The journey is just as good as the end result. Its what I love so much about this that you seem to be building an actual relationship. There’s story and a reason rather than just the end goal which obviously is good in itself. Its a great core that you’re building from and on. A slow building developed progression feels better and more realistic to me as you spend time with it. As long as you’re happy to do so and have plenty of ideas not rushing through it seems more enjoyable.

Yeah, I’m also gonna say the current pace is great. There are so many different games and other WG bits of media that allow you max size super fast. I quite like the idea of a slower burn, earning the bigger sizes as time goes on.

Also, small side question, but how big do you plan for Alice to get? You don’t have to spoil anything, I’m just kind of curious what the end stage will be for her.

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I may be in the minority here but I think the pace is too quick if anything :upside_down_face:

I think a solution would be to make players able to control the pace a little. One solution would be to make Alice lose weight slowly but at constant rate, for example due to exercise, and so the player can interact with Alice at different rate to get the game going at different rate.

In my opinion the pacing is perfect, no need for change.

Side note, is there a way to reset your save? Even deleting the saves folder doesn’t seem to do it.

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Wow. Loads of comments… here are a few answers!

The general opinion seems to be that the vast majority are fairly happy with the pacing of the game. So I won’t be making any major adjustments. However, a few people have pointed out that as Alice’s weight/greed increases, each size is taking less time to play through, so I will probably make her spend slightly longer at each size as she gets heavier.

@daniel.ocarroll Do you mean an image counter for the number of images seen within a particular scene? There’d be little point in adding this. It’s all but impossible to see every image for every scene on a single playthrough as so many elements of a scene depend on several variables.

@Shevlander Alice’s final size is a secret. Partly because I’m still experimenting to see how large I can get her without the images looking too unrealistic. Daz studio isn’t great at doing fat characters!

@eman006 I will probably slow things down a little, but not drastically so.

@KuarterBound a couple of people have suggested this, but I’m not going to go down that route. A lot of the things that happen in the game are tied into several variables including time. If I let the player decide how quickly the game flows, it would make tracing bugs an absolute nightmare.

@Wigglesworth If you hover your mouse over the save game and press the ‘delete’ key, it’ll ask if you want to delete that save. As far as I know, that deletes it permanently.


To be perfectly honest, as long as there are no obvious clipping errors, I’d be fine with whatever massive size Alice ends up at. :stuck_out_tongue: