The Weighting Game - WIP

I just play to the febuary demo and I am very Impatient to see the rest of the game :grinning:( excuse me for my english, Iam french XD)

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Your English is a lot better than my French!

Glad you’re enjoying the game so far. Next demo will be out around the end of this month.


She’s only going to get bigger, that’s for sure. Providing you successfully negotiate the end of the 0.2 demo, of course! :stuck_out_tongue:

As is the game itself. In the next version we have a new scene, a new character (sneak peeks of both of these are on the Patreon site), and fairly big enhancements to a couple of existing scenes. There’ll be well over 100 new images, and I’ve lost count of how many thousands of words I’ve added so far!


So the next version will be more of a “making sure the beginning is solid” kind of thing? I’m down for that.

Also, your coworker is kind of an unsung hero. Because while he’s there, and Alice shows up, you can still increase her affection while making money.

Not just the beginning…

All the new bits that I’ve added to the scenes (plus the new scene, of course) work all the way through the game. The ending of 0.2 is resolved, the next stage of Alice’s weight gain is almost added, and there will be quite a few other new bits and pieces too :slight_smile:

And by popular demand, the waitress in the cafe now has a couple of small cameos too.

edit I should have made a note of how many images were in the last version… I’ve just done a quick count of how many images there are now and we’re up to 644! Pretty sure that’s already over 100 new pics and I still have loads more to add :slight_smile:

another edit d’oh. Completely forgot I had a backup of the final version of 0.2. 495 images in it!


I’m super excited for when the next build comes out, awesome to see something about the background characters, and I hope we get something with Hanna as her story continues and possibly change to get the player character’s attention and make that love triangle

Also hope your still willing to release public builds and haven’t been dissuaded from it due to terrible people

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I’ll be making the current (0.2) demo public once 0.3 is ready. Unsure what I’ll do after that, but I’m leaning towards little/no further public stuff until the game is finished. It’s simply not worth the hassle.

I do have the next couple of stages of Hannah’s story worked out, but I don’t know if they’ll make it into this version of the game. I still have a lot to do before it’s ready!


When will 0.3 for Patreons release?

I’ll be testing it at the weekend, and if all goes well, it should be ready early next week :slight_smile:


Awesome, so excited for the next build! Replayed the most recent build yesterday in preparation for the new one!

There are already a couple of sneak peeks on there… one of the new character and one of the new scene

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My bad… :man_facepalming:

I wouldn’t worry about it. With the naff way Patreon is organised, it’s a PITA to find anything on there :stuck_out_tongue:


V0.3 will hopefully be ready in the next couple of days, so I’ve now made 0.2 available to everyone. Hope you enjoy it!


Mega is telling me I need a decryption key to access the download? Anyone have it?

It’s not encrypted. It’s Patreon being a piece of s**t. Copy and paste the WHOLE line, not just the highlighted bit into your browser and that should work. Let me know if it doesn’t.


Thanks! I am looking forward to giving this a try!

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Hello dear Tigertoo. I am sure that you have done a great job and in this regard, I am twice disappointed that I will not be able to play in v0.2 because with, lately, my PC doesn’t want to download(the download scale reaches 2/100 and falls off completely)… Could you upload the game to Google Drive(this is the most stable cloud storage)? If you can, please do it(I really want to play). Thank you in advance.
P.s. Sorry for my terrible English, it’s not my native language and I have to use a dictionary(I don’t trust google translate).

I have problems with downloading from the mega website too. Have you tried using their program megasync? That fixed it for me

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I’ve downloaded the file myself from the link (it is Megasync) that I posted and it works. I’ve also had several PMs from people who’ve downloaded it successfully, so I’d guess the problem is at your end guys. Please make sure that you copy and paste the WHOLE line of the link, not just the part that Patreon has decided to highlight.