The demo 0.2 is amazing !!
Yeah for me it’s a problem with Chrome that I can’t quite resolve. Has nothing to do with mega or your upload.
Try a different browser? Dip your toes into the toxic waste pit that is Edge just for a little while?
Ok so I played the lattest version avialable 4 everyone and I have to say that it’s great, I played it from the start again and I like it as much as the first time, I loved the new interactions with Hannah but I have to say that the new content is a bit lesser than I expected, just 8 days more or so and really hopped that Hannah will come back, after her last appareance on the coffe eating everyting, bigger than ever but I got dissapointed on that
non the less it’s great and I’m excited 4 a new update to come, keep on the great job, and hope sometime soon I will be able to donate you, you deserve all the support you’re getting already!
I’ve emailed Patreon support asking why it’s no longer possible to directly post Mega links without them being encrypted, but I’m not holding my breath for a useful answer. Their support is almost as bad as their site
@ino_y and @ducky I do have a Google Drive account, so I may look into using this as an alternative to Mega if I can’t get the link issue resolved.
@Schattenjaeger Good advice! Personally, I can’t stand Edge I’ve been using FIrefox for years and it’s pretty good.
@Piery Glad you’re enjoying it!
@Kaldr Sorry if something that I’ve given to you for free isn’t good enough.
Oo, sick burn! (Seriously though, try being less ungrateful; comments like that are exactly why Tigger’s on the fence about further public releases between now and the final product.)
Just occurred to me that you could probably feed the Mega link through to disguise/truncate it.
hmm. I thought there was an massive deal of new content after playing through V0.2. Maybe its just me and I’m easily pleased but I thought there was way more added, built upon and as always a general improvement as with each iteration.
I loved it and thought there was more than enough to tide me over until the next wait. Excited to see 0.3 if Tigger is so kind to continue releasing the free demos. I know I appreciate it immensely.
I wasn’t trying to sound ungrateful, I said that it’s a short update but it’s great and I like it very much, Sry Tigger if my message sound like I expected that much for free content, I don’t, and I like your job
I am super hyped for v0.3. I wish these version can come out faster. Great job so far though, definitely the best games on the site.
These versions come out very quickly considering it’s a one man show. Look at that Forks game for example, people have been waiting years for a new demo with multiple people working on it. Not to mention the quality which is superb. Keep it up Tiggertoo
Agreed… I’m hyped to see the new version too, but let’s not pressure the developer. He has his own life and work.
It will be out when it’s ready.
I keep trying to convince him to upgrade his rig, but it hasn’t worked yet = P
We just need more people to donate to his patron! Haha.
Seriously I look forward to the end result and his next project if he takes one on. This is some great stuff @tiggertoo
Can’t wait for 0.3! Luckily don’t have to wait much longer. Impressive you maintained pace all this time. Look forward to seeing what’s new.
Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet the past day or so. V0.3 was ridiculously stressful to debug!
Anyway, it’s now ready and on the Patreon page (Apparently, Patreon is doing maintenance tomorrow - the 29th - between 5 and 7am, although they don’t say which time zone, so if you can’t get on the Patreon page tomorrow to download it, that’ll be why!)
Feel free to comment, post bug reports (screen shots are HUGELY helpful!) etc, but don’t worry if I don’t get back to you straight away. I need a break for a day or so!
Looks like the # symbol in the link is what’s breaking. Incidentally, that symbol and all the characters past it is the decryption key, so you can either copy and paste the whole link verbatim, or click the blue part and then paste the rest into the text box = P
ETA: Here’s a link for it to simplify things. 1.59 GB file on MEGA
To clarify, this is the public v.2 version, not the new v.3 version.
It should be noted that there is no point to reporting bugs for v.2 (so don’t). The release version is working as intended and any issues will have not carried forward.
Please consider not posting content spoilers or comments that give things away in this thread, in order to keep both other Patreon members and Pubbies from having gameplay ruined before they can get to it for themselves.
V.3 is done!
First off, I do love that you’re still putting in the effort. A lot of projects just get canned after a while, and it’s nice to see a developer keeping his interest.
Couple things I want to say.
1- After playing the game again, I do think that the pacing needs to be slowed down just a bit.
2- I’m ok with the direction you took for the next stage,
But it seems like the stage after that will just be the same thing.
3- I’m not sure that Alice’s weight is correct, I’m not an expert obviously, but I think she weighs more than the scale says
4- Her “Post run scene” in stage 4, she has a really weird lip thing going on in the photo.
5- in the Stage 4 “fancy dinner thing” her hair is invisible in the reflection of the door.
That is all
1… totally agree with you. I’m going to look into doing something about this in 0.4.
2… maybe… maybe not. You’ll just have to wait and see
3… possibly. Weights can fluctuate a lot depending on bone structure, muscle density etc. I may tweak this at some stage. I’ll have to do some height/weight/measurement comparisons.
4… yeah, you’re right! She’s supposed to look exhausted, but it doesn’t look right at all. I’ll probably redo that pic.
5… well spotted! I’ve noticed that Daz Studio has a tendancy to mess up hair when seen in a reflection or through a transparent surface. The hair is actually there, but you can barely see it. I’ll probably redo that picture as well.
No problem, dude. I’m happy to help out this project in any way I can.
Plus, as a 3D modeler myself, I know how frustrating random glitches like the hair thing are.