The Weighting Game - WIP

@MOP is correct. Assuming you’re actually going to use it (which she does), the best value gym membership is usually an annual one, which she bought when she still had a job.

As for the house, I’ve never asked her. Perhaps it belongs to her parents?


I played with some online body visualizers with the posted measurements (height of 5 ft 4 in from an earlier post), assumed an inseam of 30 in, and recorded the results.

The first table’s data comes from inputting the previously mentioned measurements into the (Body Labs Body Visualizer and recording the weight outputted.

The second table does the same but with the more well-known MPG Body Visualizer.

The third table uses Alice’s starting weight of 120 lbs, assumes 7 hours of exercise per week, and records the starting measurements from the MPG Body Visualizer. The new measurements then followed the same rate of change as the original measurements (e.g. for the change from starting waist to first size waist, 28*(31/25)).

Overall, the given measurements would indicate that Alice is lighter than stated in the game, but the rate of gain should still be consistent with the story when the starting weight is set to 120 lbs.


Both you and @cheddar have gone into this way more thoroughly than I have :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think a fun idea for the future is you could make an event out of her membership running out. She asks you to pay for it and you either can pay for it or not, both of these having consequences. I wouldn’t put in anytime soon, but maybe at day 200 she brings it up and that is a way to make it so it is easier for her to gain if you somehow had trouble getting her to gain up until then.


Not a bad idea. I do have the gym stuff mapped out, but maybe this could be an interesting addition. We’ll see nearer the time if I can work it in.


Well… Ive played the game now for a verry long time and i can say that i do like the game a lot!


Really enjoyed the update, it wasn’t a proper aussie setting without the option to go to the beach.
I’d still say Alice gains too quickly at times. It’s slow and steady for awhile and then it just skyrockets. I feel like the game is slow to catch up to actions already taken by the player and is just going through each progression scene, but the impression it gives is the complete opposite. She stepped on the bathroom scale twice within four days in my playthrough and went from 160 to 170lbs. I know Alice can eat a lot but damn, that would be absolutely insane.
The only glitch I found was when Becca called me Simon (not the player name used) and another instance where she just said “name”.

Yeah, I agree with you on the pacing. I’ll be slowing the progression down a little in the next update.

There were a few bugs (inevitable really, given I’m a one man testing team :p), but less than I expected. I’m pretty sure they’re all fixed now and the stable version should be up at some stage tomorrow.


PC and Mac versions of the final version of 0.3 are now on the Patreon page :slight_smile:


just curious but with the sister being sick is this future plot or is that just happenstance?

I’m liking the sound of an event tied to the gym membership renewal! Some interesting decisions can arise such as MC being able or willing to pay the cost to renew and how this will impact Alice’s happiness. Heck, Alice herself may not even be interested in renewing depending on how she feels.

Money saved on the membership could instead go towards a holiday that was mentioned in passing, making a nice segue to a potential holiday scene.

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Everyone gets stomach bugs now and then… :slight_smile:


I wasn’t planning anything about the gym membership, but I’ll certainly add this to my list of story ideas and see what I can come up with :slight_smile:

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@tiggertoo - I came across this thread on F95 Zone regarding someone volunteering a quality render server for rendering lewd art. Seems to work with Daz Studio and possibly other software. Might be a good place to get some free render time and possibly learn more about running this sort of render farm to save on dev time.

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I’ve found a bug in the 0.2 update, and I don’t know if it’s addressed or not.

In the third stage of weight gain (when she starts wearing the black dress in your house), whenever I go to the cinema and start to feed her chocolate, the scene suddenly springs to the house and continues from there. Did I miss something or is this a bug?

Also, if I can make a suggestion, maybe you can make a little Trello board for bug reporting? Just so there’s a better overview of already reported bugs and so on.

Curiously, have you triggered the cliffhanger ending yet? I recall seeing that issue after the ending, which essentially represents the cutoff point for new content. Playing beyond that is possible but liable of triggering issues like these, where images are being called upon which aren’t available in the current version so the scene is skipped.

If you haven’t triggered the endpoint yet, you’re probably at the right point for it. The game tends to get buggier at the cusp for where you’ve hit the content available for her given level of weight.

Interesting, but I’ll probably keep doing my own renders. I reject well over 50% of the images that I produce (unfixable clipping, something out of place, continuity errors, or it just looks plain wrong!) I usually spot stuff well before a render is complete and simply correct the issue and start again, but it’d be unfair of me to ask someone to re-render the same image several times due to my mistakes.

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Yep, that issue has been fixed in 0.3. I think (I’m probably wrong!) that was the only real bug in 0.2 apart from a few ‘comment not defined’ messages towards the end.

I normally create a bug post on the Patreon page when I put out a new version for testing. People test it, report the bugs, I fix them and then upload a final version Seems to work pretty well.

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Yeah, there are always going to be bugs, especially near the current ending of the content. There’s only so much testing that I can do :slight_smile:

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Hello everyone just wanted to say I am really enjoying the game so far. However I am curious about something. I have played 0.3 version a couple of times now and each time I have gotten the break up path. Was curious if there was a way to avoid it or what I should be doing to make her happier. Pretty much every opportunity I have had to encourage her I taken but I still ended up in the same spot. Anyone else having the same issue? Anyway thank you all in advance, and @tiggertoo keep up the great work your progress has been fantastic and I am looking forward to what is next