No rush man, we appreciate you have a real life too! New background looking good though. I for one like how much effort you put into little things like the backgrounds and facial expressions, a lot of these games don’t bother with that stuff and just get the core gaining with none of this peripheral stuff, but it will make this feel like a much more complete package eventually.
Is looking good!!! Keep it up!
Haha, I’ve changed it again since then. Wasn’t happy with the shading (the woman sitting behind them is barely visible) and I’ve swapped the drinks and added a few other details. And yeah, IMO at least, small details add a lot to a scene
Yet another test render of a considerably chubbier Alice. I’ve been playing around a lot with skin textures to try and get her to look fatter as well as simply bigger.
Still a way to go, but I think she’s getting there!
Oh wow. Getting there indeed. Can’t wait for the demo where Alice’s greed level has let her end up like this.
Ah, I’m cunnng… It’s not simply how greedy she is. It’s also how happy she is, how confident she is about her weight, how much you’ve managed to increase her appetite, etc. If she’s unhappy, or doesn’t think she looks good heavier, she’ll eat less!
Oh, and the exercise stuff is in there for a reason. If she’s not happy with her size, she’ll work out more too! Better keep her happy
Wow you’re definitely getting the hang of making her look fatter and not just bigger. Really looks like there’s some weight to her gut and cellulite on her thighs.
I’m assuming that won’t be the first weight increase as she’s fairly big here. Any rough idea yet on what you want her max size to be?
Also love that she can be unhappy about her weight and try to counter it, can lead to some good scenes of teasing and her offloading about home fat we’re making her
Yeah… as ever, it’s all work in progress. But I’m pleased with the cellulite effect. Still working on improving it if I can though. And she’s got a hint of stretch marks on her stomach too. These need bring up a bit more though.
Definitely not the first weight increase. The first will be along the lines of the tests I posted a week or so ago. Plan is for a small but noticeable increase for every stage. As far as max size goes, she will certainly get bigger than this, but how much bigger I really don’t know yet. It depends a lot on how realistic the renders look at much bigger sizes.
Any chance we can see that model clothed or at over angles like the earlier stage so we can properly see how it’s coming along?
Haha I would, but I stupidly forgot to save it afterwards, so it’s gone! Good thing it was only a test.
Damn that’s gotta be annoying, kinda amazed that’s a test though, it could totally have gone in the game. Looking forward to seeing what the real deal ends up looking like.
To be fair looking at that test her ass does look like it’s fairly flat for a bottom heavy woman so that could be something to change, though it might just be the angle giving that impression.
It was partly the angle and partly that I was more concentrating on how she looked from the front. I really should have done a rear view to see if her bum was as soft looking as her tummy!
And yeah, definitely needs more ass as she gets bigger
Nailed the legs, those thunder thighs are perfect!
Yep, I have to admit I was quite pleased with her legs!
And hell, let’s be honest, it’s a lot more fun rendering her when she’s growing than it is at her current skinny size. Although it’s all good practice, and I’m really enjoying doing the scenes whether she’s fat or not
Are you doing renders where her stomach bulges out more when she is stuffed full with food?
Perhaps scenes where she eats much more than usual and gets extra stuffed if the player is doing well with managing her happiness and mood?
Getting her totally stuffed is definitely on the to-do list!
(Always assuming that you can get her in a greedy enough mood, of course…)
Oh, I’m sure we’ll manage somehow, lol.
Haha, that depends how difficult I make the game…
I may deliberately make it way too hard, go down the Electronic Arts route and sell lootboxes…
‘Increase Alice’s weight for only $300!!!’
‘Raise her greed level - just $400!!!’
Oooooh, I’m evil
… why isn’t there a dislike button?
Haha don’t worry.
Just for the record, I detest lootboxes!