The Weighting Game - WIP

@rimean I hope that means you enjoyed it? :slight_smile: And unfortunately, Patreon will only allow one stickied thread, so the demo does tend to slip down the post list on there. I’ll have to do something about that.

Sizes for Alice? There are six sizes in the latest version, plus a hint of the seventh at the end. Oh, and she’s not the only one to get larger…


Thanks, can i know how much demo is capped?
Even if i’m gonna buy this game, i also wanna recommend it for someone, but he will most likely play only demo, so i wonder how many sizes are avaible in demo (cause i assume that if you said “latest version”, then you are talking about 0.55) - the same about chocolate stuffing, is this also capped on 3 chocolates in demo?
Ps, i enjoyed it!
Ps2. i bought subscription, but it would be nice to know anyway.

There aren’t any caps. You’ll get a message saying that you’ve hit the end of the current content, but you’re free to carry on playing beyond that point. There just won’t be anything new.


Thank you
Could anyone help me? Why i can’t cross 180lbs? I think that after 40/50 days of stuffing, Alice has stopped at 180lbs.
She’s always saying that she weight over 180lbs or almost 190lbs.
I don’t know what i’m doing wrong.
I also have problem with chocolate feeding, i once hit 3chocolates (50-60 days ago) and i can’t change it.
Any idea what i should do now?

I believe that is effectively the cap on the weight stat, as Alice’s weight is effectively a progress indicator. Once you’ve hit that 180 mark you’ll have effectively reached the end of the content available.

tiggertoo isn’t wrong in saying that there isn’t a cap, in that there is no hard cap that prevents you from playing further if you desire it.

This is assuming that you are playing the free version - 0.2. You’ll be progress past this point (and then some <w<) in the Patreon version.

Remember when you used to weigh a paltry 180lbs, Alice? Hah, those were the days :3

When you downloaded the latest version of the game, did you start from scratch, or continue with a save from 0.2?

If you used a 0.2 save, it won’t work. That chocolate issue does sound like an incompatibility between 0.2 and 0.3 (The chocolate feeding routine was revised in 0.3)

He’s playing the latest version. I’m guessing it’s a save incompatibility :slight_smile:

Ah, did 0.2 have the old method of feeding chocolate one piece at a time? It’s been a while.

Yep. I changed that for 0.3 to avoid the monotony of feeding dozens of pieces in one go :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been thinking about the game lately, what with all the recent activity, and there’s one thing that always stuck in my craw a bit- the romance/affection gauge and how it increases only by being insufferably nice.

A couple of reasons: one, it’s easy to game it. Always let Alice pick what she wants and agree with her decisions to quickly max it. The second issue is hopefully highlighted to you in my last sentence, in that happiness in the relationship is defined as being one-sided and makes MC a bit of a spineless simp. It just doesn’t feel all that authentic to me (not to say you couldn’t roleplay MC as such, but still).
It also doesn’t help that Alice when played in this way starts out quite domineering in the first half, and then submissive to her feeder in the second half in quite the volte-face for her character.

Similar to how sometimes teasing can be well-received, it would be nice to see Alice occasionally respecting when MC takes charge in overriding her decisions, like when picking a movie at the cinema. Maybe a light warning of “You don’t have to agree with everything I suggest you know…” to clue the player in.

If I was to imagine my ideal game setup, the early game could have the player’s choices influencing Alice’s personality so that she will be more or less inclined to call the shots and react favourably when MC responds in kind. So you could tailor things to have a meek Alice that is happy to please MC or a domineering Alice happy to get her own way.

I can see the picking the movie thing working, or like ordering for her at some point and it going positively to show glimpses of that more submissive side working, but the ideal version you mention would require implementing an entire new system whilst also doubling up a lot of dialogue to balance both the sub and dom route. I’m not sure the pay off would be worth the amount of work I’m imagining that would take. I also think it makes sense, given the events sort of midway through the game with Alice, that she is resistant at a lot of points and eventually sort of gives in to a more submissive side. But as you say, I can see glimmers of that being shown in those early choices you mention being fine. If I recall, picking the movie in the cinema seemed a neutral decision, it was in the house that it seemed negative? Might be wrong.

Oh yeah, if tiggertoo was to put in any consideration towards the notion I wouldn’t expect any major rework of the current system. In a way, it’s good that we’re seeing more investment in the early game so hopefully we can round out (heh) more of the interactions between Alice and MC.

I played from the begining with 0.55V and AFTER 70 DAYS i was finally able to continue story and Alice has reached another “size”, but seems like i can’t past 3 chocolates anyway.
So now, i’m in 112 day and three chocolates are still my limit, i don’t know why

With the new feeding system, she eats chocolate a fair bit slower now. You’ll notice that as she gets hungrier for chocolate she will eat more of the bar beforehand but it will still be around three pieces you can manually feed her.

Scrolling back through posts I’ve seen a couple topics which I think are pretty critical to the success of this project; namely what direction to take with in-game characters and even more importantly how to distribute the game once it’s done; so I figured I would just give my 2 cents.
Although I would love nothing more than have free partner choice, I think it’s unrealistic to imagine focusing on any other character than Alice, would be simply too much work. I’d say limit player influence on them to the initial prompt to gain weight and then have them get fatter by themselves on the side, following Alice’s progress; maybe put in a weight stage trigger screen with a few lines of dialogue, but nothing beyond that. That’s what I would do at least until 1.0 hits the mark.
Where player choice could come into play without dispersing resources is IMO Alice’s size. Giving the ability to just keep her chubby, ease her into getting fat or help her develop her own weight gain fetish and accompany her in her journey through stages of obesity, up to her maximum weight. My personal dream is to see a 7-800 pounds Alice, but that’s probably not everybody’s cup of tea; so to limit the final size the story could have threshold events (much like the one with her sister) where the player’s action determine if she pushes through to the next step and she keeps fattening herself up, if she stays her current weight or even loses some if not too complicated, without necessarily breaking up.
As far as distribution goes I would avoid Steam or similar digital games platforms like the plague; these games are way too niche to benefit from them and I doubt Tigger could get a decent deal out of it.
Patreon is probably the best bet, as sad as that sounds :frowning:. Then once the game is done, assuming that Patreon itself cannot provide a solution, probably direct payment is the way to go

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Have you tried being a jerk to alice though? I was a jerk to alice AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE NONSTOP AT ALL CHOICES. Then I managed to get into a state where all three options at the major plot spoiler moment resulted in game over. Then I rolled back one week and was nice to alice like four times (after having been mean to her like 50+ times) and redid the major plot spoiler and chose the most correct option and got past the game over.

So, yeah, while some of what you said… makes sense… how much alice like’s the MC is actually not that important at all in the game. Being nice to your girlfriend like 10% of the time for the first half of your relationship isn’t really that big of an ask, imo.

@AlexKay and @loljuicepwn Yep, I’d like to make the whole dating thing more realistic. Better conversations, refined romance , more choices, etc. But the more of this I add, the more time it takes up. and writing this has already taken way longer than I originally envisaged.

It’s a trade-off between how much time I can spend on things like this and how realistic things are, and I’m generally pretty happy with the balance.The more variables I introduce, the more complicated and time consuming the coding gets, not to mention that testing would be even more of a nightmare than it already is.

I like the threshold idea suggested by @burpinz. It’d be easy enough to implement, but it would be pretty much game over from that point unless I added a lot of maintaining content for each threshold.

I haven’t given too much thought to distribution as yet. One thing I really don’t want to do is keep the game on Patreon any longer than necessary. It’s an awful platform and in hindsight, I wouldn’t have chosen it.I 'm contemplating Steam and/or, but if anyone else has any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

@namad yeah, being too much of an asshat to her over time will result in you getting dumped at that point :stuck_out_tongue: edit I’m really not a fan of game overs like this, so it’s deliberately very hard to get her that upset at you.


Well once you hit the threshold it would only be repeatable scenes, yes, a bit like it is now when you reach the end of the current storyline. While it would be nice to have maintaining content you could get away with reusing what’s already there too, I guess it’s up to you to decide how much you can\want to add in that sense.

I had never heard of itch before and yeah, it looks like small projects get a better chance there than on Steam and other big bucks platforms. I totally understand your dislike for Patreon and again it’s your call


I would recommend over steam for a number of reasons, not just monetary but also the fact the you’ll be broadcasting to all you’re friends that you’ve purchased and are playing a weight gain dating sim. :laughing: