The Weighting Game - WIP

Haha, you guys have obviously played a lot further than I’d anticipated anyone would at this stage! That was a test varaible I dropped in and then removed because I didn’t think anyone would get that far at this stage of the game. I forgot to remove the bit of code that calls it though :stuck_out_tongue:

Really do appreciate the bug reports. They’re enormously helpful. Problem with being a one man development and testing team is that I get used to testing the game in certain ways and follow those paths subconsciously without meaning to. Other people will play in different ways and uncover bugs that I had no idea existed :slight_smile:

I will admit to getting distracted now and then! I’ve spent a bit of time tonight working on the title page. Yeah, low priority and doesn’t add anything to the game, but let’s face it, the title in the first couple of demos was naff to say the least. And it’s the first thing people see when the game loads up, so I thought it needed improving!

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I freely admit to having unpacked the scripts to see where the end-of-content was!

As for what you choose to work on, well, go with what you feel like doing, because you’ll make better progress doing that than hitting bits you don’t feel like working on now.

I apologize if this is the end of content in the branch at present, but is it intended to not be able to go see a movie after the first date? I assume that the bar and your place options are not ready for more than the initial interaction there, but I’m a bit confused as to where on the road map we presently are.

And there I was being impressed with your staying power!

I hope you didn’t look too closely at the scripts… they are messy as f**k, especially the early ones. They’ll get better as I get more used to the ins and outs of Ren’py!

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At the moment, it’s more of a single road than road map! Very very early days in the game as yet. In the current demo, most of the scenes, after the intital intro ones, aren’t implemented yet. But they will be soon :slight_smile:

You’ll definitely be able to take Alice to the cinema more than once. That code simply isn’t in yet. No need to apologise. It’s confusing because there’s no set location for the cinema. This may change, but at the moment, the only way of taking her Alice to the movies will be to call her and ask her to go.

(And the initial cinema trip has now been slightly rewritten and all the images have been re-rendered.)

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Thanks. The reason I asked about the cinema in particular is that she says that we’d gone yesterday, having only gone on the first day, and this being two weeks in now.

Overall, it’s a very promising game, and I’m looking forward to wherever you decide to take it.

Haha yeah, she will say that in the current demo. Mainly because the subsequent cinema scene didn’t exist at that point. In the next version, it will. Definitely as text and possibly as images if I get that far with the renders :slight_smile:

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Honestly, this looks like the best wg game I’ve seen so far. My only advice would be to perhaps not get to grounded in reality… most people might not gain weight in the way that Lucy Collet does, but that doesn’t make her weight gain unrealistic.

(Also, some click and drag feeding scenes and some love handles would be awesome (: )

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Thanks. All the positive comments are a big incentive to keep going! (Not that I was planning on stopping…)

The game’s not going to be too realistic, I hope :slight_smile: Alice is going to put on a lot of weight over an unrealistically short time. I haven’t decided how quick to make it as yet, but the major weight gain that I’m planning on would normally take years. Of course, if you get her to become a feedee, that may speed things up still further :wink:

There definitely won’t be any animation whatsoever in the game. I’m using Daz studio and about 98% of their models have two licences. The basic licence (cheap…ish) and the interactive licence (very expensive). If I include any sort of interaction in the game wherby the player can manipulate any of the images, then I’m not covered by the basic licence and either simply won’t be able to release it, or will have to splash out a huge amount of money for the interactive licences. I’ve already spent a fair bit on the basic models and more money is out of the question. So, static screens it is, I’m afraid! Plus, I’m still pretty much a noob with Daz studio. Still getting to grips with static images, never mind animations :stuck_out_tongue:

As for love handles, hell yeah! I love love handles! But they’re gonna take some work. Daz simply isn’t very good at doing that sort of thing, so I’m going to have to experiment a bit more. Hopefully I’ll be able to come up with something though :slight_smile:


Ah ok, that all makes sense.
So pumped for this game!

It’s possible to turn her into a feedee you say…

In the words of Thanos: “This put’s a smile on my face.”


Nothing is set in stone yet (other than that Alice WILL get fat), but as a real life feeder, making her into a feedee is very high on the priority list :slight_smile:

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Dude sorry for stupid question but how many game days i need to play to see fat progress?:grin:

There is not any in the currently available build, afaik.

That’s correct. There is no visible weight gain in the game at present. There are quite a few behind the scenes variables tracking what she eats, how heavy she is, etc., but no visible indication yet.

I’m still working on the core game… need to get that pretty much complete before diving off into all the other features of the game :slight_smile: If all goes according to plan, I should have the main stuff more or less up and running by early December. May put out another demo then, but there still won’t be any weight gain in there - just a lot more gameplay.

I’m currently working on the repeatable cinema and home scenes as well as expanding on the existing stuff. And working on more images for them, of course :slight_smile: Such as the opening cinema scene below…


Ah, got it. good luck in creating. I will wait with impatience. it will be the best game!

Looking forward to hook blonde Robert Pattinson up with his fat future wife! :clap:

Haha, no in-game marriage plans at the moment… but you never know!

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I had gone to vote just before the repost. Went to results and wouldn’t let me vote. Never seen one of those polls do that before.