The Weighting Game - WIP

I assume the now new cannon storyline leads Alice to eat enough pizza that she has become triangle shaped.


No, not free, hence the inverted commas. I haven’t decided how much I’m going to charge for the completed game yet, but anyone who’s pledged that much or more on Patreon at that point will get a ‘free’ copy as they’ll have already paid for it.

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Ahh missed that, sorry

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Come to think of it, it’s not true that there won’t be any free copies. I’d forgotten that, ages ago, I said that it’d be nice to give away a couple or so on here, as without the support and encouragement of this community when I was first starting out, I’d never have got beyond the initial concept. So that’ll still be happening once the game is finished.


Best picture of Alice EVER!

Also solves all the issues with properly representing her weight gain; all you need to do is increase the length of the triangle’s base…

I said it once and I will repeat it again guys, this man is a genius, watch and learn!


Join Alice on her journey in turning from a triangle to a circle!


@burpinz. Yep :slight_smile: And if I don’t bother with backgrounds as well, we’re now down to about 3 minutes per render. The full game will now be ready approximately an hour from now :stuck_out_tongue:

@AlexKay some might say I’ve been going around in circles for years…

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I’m a monster…

P.s - I got an email because of the tag and it was extremely similar to a patreon email and I did a happy dance thinking .7 dropped.

I hate you (jk). Well… mostly me for instigating it.

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If it’s any consolation, I’ll be starting to test 0.7 soon. Assuming I don’t hit any major bugs, it’ll be ready before the end of the month.


It. Is. Not…

The worst consolation for my incompetence.


Oh dang that’s pretty soon!! I was expecting it to be a while longer given the health issues you’ve been dealing with , but can’t wait to try out the new update. Just don’t push yourself to get it ready by the end of the month, take your time. . The last one was really incredible and as the game currently is it’s insanely impressive with more work poured into it then I’d ever expect. Cannot wait to see where all the girls end up by the end of this (but especially Lacy, show we can all agree is the best).

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Luckily, I’d got most of it finished before the pneumonia unpleasantness, so it’s not been too mad a rush to finish it off and I’ve only pushed myself a little :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s all done now, apart from one scene that needs finishing/tweaking, and mostly tested up to the current end of 0.6, so final testing will only take a day or two.


Pulling an Indiana Jones on the end of month release date eh?

Testing!? What is this? School??? :wink:

Nah school is when you just hand things in completely untested and hope for the best!

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I was extremely saddened today when I realized July has 31 days and I might have to wait an extra day to get 0.7 if it comes out by the end of the month.


I always thought that was work…


I definitely hope for the best with every release of my game… I spend hours testing it, but it’s impossible to find everything :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m only human, after all
I’m only human, after all
Don’t put your blame on me
Don’t put your blame on me


I’m not human, I’m a Tigger!
