Thoughts on Nikocado Avocado?

Personally, I like to separate extreme weight gain in fantasy, games, etc. from real life gains, such as the one highlighted in this case. I’m fine with people being bigger, but as soon as it starts affecting their health and life - I’m out. Reading the comments and videos on him reflect the same thoughts, but it made me wonder what you guys’ think.

If you don’t already know who this person is, he’s basically a mukbanger who’s gained an unhealthy amount of weight in a short period of time and now he’s been (or at least was a couple weeks/months ago) in the spotlight of scrutiny.

Video I watched that made me want to ask:


I think it’s funny how he dances + how he exploits the drama.

People who’re invested in his well-being are cringe though, they should focus on themselves. It’s like Eugenia Cooney, she’s still anorexic despite the trillion “eat a burger” comments.


I personally don’t watch his stuff and personally, and I think he may or may not get off to the ridicule thrown his way… I personally don’t like him because he’s sorta contributing to the fat haters’ stigma, but at the same time, roughly 5 years in the toxic vegan community would drive someone to go overboard…

I just think he’s another cringe drama tuber. Not really my type of content even if he was a hot girl

People will be people, admitted I share the same thing in that in a partner health comes before aesthetics and admittedly if do get a partner who wants to bulk up I’d show them how the sumo’s are still healthy despite size and guide them through a similar regime but that’s just this hound I mostly get my jollies from literature not art or video

I was wondering when someone was going to bring this up (And for context, 100% agree, IRL the perfect size for me is like Kipteitei range). I personally agree with the theory presented here: YMS Highlights - Adam's Nikocado Avocado Theory - YouTube that states that someone within the our community(Feederism in general, not weight gaming) with alot of money is/was bankrolling their fetish, it just so happened that the content they got off on was the type to become popular via mukbang, and so now they can indulge in their fetish as well as become millionaires. While I think the video itself gives a bad showing to the community (Myself I enjoy the part of feederism that’s basically caring for the feedee and they doing whatever you please, not the degradation of it).

Tl;Dr Roleplay that blew up and now has to live with the health consequences, that is Nickocado Avocado

Yeah, the whole situation is weird… I never watched him before, I don’t watch him now, and I try to avoid videos about drama.

I personally am attracted to women ranging from the low end of overweight to the mid to high end of obese, I’m not into morbid obesity, health issues, slob stuff, and I’m kinda grossed out by watching/hearing people eat. Basically I get no enjoyment of any kind seeing him feed himself to death. I hate that drama and shock is promoted and lucrative on YouTube.

I feel like he’s just fueling the hate towards fat fetishism. If it weren’t for shit like this I probably wouldn’t be nearly as terrified of people discovering what I’m into.

He became an image of what the ugly side of weight gaining is. He doesn’t do anything for his health and yells like a three year old because he doesn’t know what to do with his life other than being disgusting person.

Personally, I like to separate extreme weight gain in fantasy, games, etc. from real life gains, such as the one highlighted in this case. I’m fine with people being bigger, but as soon as it starts affecting their health and life - I’m out.

This perfectly describes how I feel about the situation.

I’m going to go ahead and lock this thread. I don’t see any good coming from this and its slightly outside of the purview of this site.