Threads of Fat Female and Male(Saotome twin brother only) Characters mod in Yakuza/Like A Dragon Franchise

Super Sized Kaoru Sayama - YK2 mod
This is a fat mod to make Kaoru looking a bit bloated; likewise this is my first model mod and it’s quite harder than I thought but in chapter 5 in a cutscene where Kaoru in her robe & towel outfit, there’s a part she’s sitting but her whole body is invisible(gone) and ended up with only her head appearing, I’ll fix it when I have the time because quite tired finishing this one

Mod Link:Fat Sayama.rar - Google Drive
Since there’s no existence of fat female characters in LAD/Yakuza Franchise, I will be doing on Saeko, Akame, Chitose, Seonhee, and maybe Makoto from Y0 as well as Reyna while Yumi is not to spoken off because her screentime are an existence of every breaking bad character; maybe even other games than this franchise but depends if I know how to rip models off like Resident Evil.


Next one will be Akame; still testing as of this post


it looks awful for the shoes specifically because it’s welded into one part instead of each individual shoes, progress is a bit yeah.

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Wow, just when i started playing the Yakuza games. Good luck on your mods, they look great.

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thanks bud :blush: , gonna took me a while though since I’m also trying to learn modeling as well

I’m done with the Akame mod, not gonna release it now because I’m going to start modding the IW gals which are Saeko, Chitose & Seonhee and as for Yakuza 7:LAD which are Saeko and Eri, I’ll do IW then Y7:LAD

So far I’ve done the IW Gals face and here’s the result if you want in a .rar file
Yakuza Fatties.rar - Google Drive, these are pictures preview

In these first “few” Saeko pictures before the Saeko Date outfit in a cutscene has wrong mouth position so her teeth aren’t showing well

I’ll be making the body tomorrow on all outfit and what I’m thinking for the IW gals are Saeko apple shaped, Chitose pear shaped and Seonhee melon/hourglass. I’ll also need to readjust and touch up the face details on Chitose’s and Seonhee’s face because Chitose’s face cheek look a bit without having the lower cheeks more fat and Seonhee suffer the same but lacking some fat near around the mouth and cheeks.

Is like a little too much spoilers for me because i just beat Yakuza 0 and Kiwami and haven’t played the rest but nonetheless i still wanted to see how your mods are looking. Since there are female playable characters on the latest installments, is great that your are working on them.

Consider how the first mod you show is and the faces. My honest opinion is that some of the faces look, let’s say “too puffy” compared to how their body are (based on the Kaoru mod and the one other character you posted). Saeko (if i recognize her correctly, haven’t played or seen too much the latest games) looks mostly fine in most angles , but the others would either have a way bigger body to compensate or slightly reduce the face. I’m not an artist in any capacity but i’m mostly thinking on an anatomical way of how fatness is distributed on person’s body and that’s my opinion of it.

However, i really commend and praise your effort because is hard to do scultping and give a fat body (i tried sometimes with some Resident evil models and i just couldn’t get a good shape).The shapes do look really great and i’m hoping to see how the rest of the characters will look at the end since you want to give them unique shapes to each ot them. This is giving me even more reasons to play the rest of the Yakuza/Like a dragon games.

Good luck to you in your works and believe in yourself.

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Thanks, I’m always open to feedback and this is just experimenting some weight distribution I always thought of, and yeah I was thinking of either redoing the body or face, like Kaoru I noticed some weird spikes under that puffy chin though I pretty much get uhh boned just by seeing their face in game than the blender, I love to experimenting body shape and I have some tips from Baron O’ Beef-Dip(the Fat Ada and Ashley mod in RE4R) around this morning. And I always love puffy face like this it’s just that I don’t know how to make the body fitting because I have so many thoughts🥴. It’s like very squish able, but yeah I might update the face but for now my priority on her is to fix the robe sit model and finishing the IW gals which you can see in the RAR file I sent which has pictures of faces not including the body though as their body are individual models which is their outfit, so it’ll take me sometimes, thanks again for the feedback & opinion. I just hope lots love puffy face and I’m aiming to smoothen the face up as well flattening it for a bit more surfacing though that’s not the function.

I may get some misunderstanding on somethings, forgive me if my English & grammar is quite bad.

I also forgot, I also fret about body outfit clipping and that’s what I’m scared about as well

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Is understandable and i get what you were trying to do, but you are doing great anyway. I was looking the rar file and that’s why i mentioned Saeko.Again good luck with your works.

And don’t worry about the grammar.I myself often “eat” the words or miss some letters because english isn’t my native language and having to switch between english and spanish leaves me confused or dizzy.

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Good to know, and I’ll be doing modelling again for IW Gals and I’ll have pictures for the body for feedback if the faces fit their body

New Update for Big bean bag Sayama:
-Slightly touch up her puffy face and reduce it a bit; her nose is rather a bit big but for now that’s what I thought
-Fix the robe sit model and finally show her body(though her legs are different because the model is doing this

The robe sit model
The robe & towel model

it may look awful but this is how she looked now

She can finally show her body(ignore the face in this screenshots; it’s a rather old ones and I’ve already smoothen her spike polygons face as well as fixing a hole near her neck because I forgot to stretch her neck to her chest)

Mod update link: Fat SayamaV2.rar - Google Drive (Whoops wrong link; it was fat Akame mod drive link but it’s the right one now)

Please do tell me if there’s more detail like face still look a bit rough like those spiky polygons stuff I mentioned and I appreciate feedback.

Super Sized Akame - A LAD:Gaiden Mod
Another lady in the franchise, this time it’s Jack of All Trade, Akame, she’s rather taking those food a bit much
These are a bit older screenshots

Mod Link: Fat Akame.rar - Google Drive

Please do tell me if there’s more detail like face still look a bit rough like those spiky polygons stuff I mentioned and I appreciate feedback.

15 more outfits from Chitose, this is only one outfit, it took me a while what kind of shape fits her well and I have to think other body shape for her other outfit like swimsuit

Hi everyone, I might will have to redo the IW Gal because I just receive an addon from Baron and it’s one of the useful thing I see is the mesh data transfer which can transfer shape keys between objects. He said there’ll be some mistakes I have to smooth out, but it does like 90% of the work. Also, he recommend subdividing things once or twice before sculpting/transferring, but depending on the game that might cause issues, so he told me to maybe test if a mod can have a higher poly model before spending the time to sculpt it only for it to not work in game.

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Is great that you are getting more help for your work. You can do it and good luck.

For me, it will take a while to to get to play the rest of the series and test your mods. When i get to the latest installments, i’ll give them a try.

(And sorry if im bothering you, is just that is great that someone is actually working on making mods of this kind for the Yakuza games).

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Thanks, and I am also a modder tbw in this franchise on moveset and heat actions mod as well as miscellaneous stuffs. You no need to know who I am that much, I made quite bland mods but the model mods here are the first thing I’ve experienced. Also I’m not getting bothered at all

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I just realized that some part of the model in the game can be joined, resulting with me saving so much time, thank god.

it is so much easier in swimsuit model :sob: