Tramp 0.15.5 2023-06-15

All, I’ve updated the download with a patch that should remove the debug that was still appearing even when you choose to play with debug off. Nothing’s changed in the story so if you are playing with debug/cheats off just pick up the new version and continue.

Thank you! I’m glad you are enjoying it. It’s my back-burner project to Yaffaif, but as people seem to like it I’m not going to shelve it.

Thanks! I’m guessing you’ve found the player character’s willpower issues. Those were also fun to write/code, though I did wonder if anyone here would find them.

Awww, thank you! And welcome to the forums! I’d strongly suggest taking a look at @tiggertoo’s The Weighting Game if you haven’t already. It was my inspiration for trying something like this along with the theme for this year’s game jam - wanting to explore things from the other perspective.

@jcc309 has the right answer - once you reach 700lbs there are no more description changes. This would be where the epilogue would start if there was one.

I’m glad you liked it! I wanted it to be hot without being “dirty” and getting into the whole what-goes-where too much, leaving that to the reader’s imagination (which would probably do a much better job than I could).

The gain is only slightly unrealistic, so, yes, it’s going to take a long time to reach the end (without cheats)! There are a lot of subtle variations to things along the way though.

What you are looking at is a little over two weeks work when I was mainly in so much pain I was curled up in bed with my laptop, unable to eat or sleep much (I have Crohn’s), and not sat at my desk where I work on Yaffaif! Having a lot of experience coding in other languages certainly helped.

I’m glad you and other people have said they like the characters too! I definitely wanted then to feel “real” (rather than fetishy from the outset) and not feel like the wg element was forced upon them but can fall out of the situation.

Thank you! I honestly wasn’t expecting the reaction this has got.

No pressure then? :sweat_smile: Thank you though, that’s good to hear, and welcome to the forums! It is going to be a back burner project but with what everyone has been saying it will be seeing some progress - just don’t hold your breath.