Having this fetish is weird to me because I don’t like, well, pretty much ANY other kink. This is the only thing I have a fetish for, so personally, all the “mind control”, “loss of self control”, “loss of own will” type of stuff rubs me the wrongest way possible. And I’ll be honest, there’s a lot of that stuff. I’m really tired of the “Loss of self control” trope.
Mind control doesn’t happen that often; though I hate it, I’ll be fair and say that there’s definitely space available for it. But the other two, “Loss of Self Control & own Will (or free will)” is really annoyingly common.
The stories with them always gravitate around the same concept: “I am struggling in one aspect or another, and weight gain is my only option- oh wait, now that I’m gaining weight, I don’t care about my struggles anymore, nor do I even remember what my past life was like, god damn this pizza looks good!” (Also yeah, Pizza is stupidly overused, dingotush definitely has that spot on) Suddenly, the actual “Character” is all but gone, replaced by some lardbag with no personality.
If I had to define the trope, it would be “Characters with personality being stripped of their personality and in return being injected with Fetish Fuel.” It removes any literal reason to have it be that specific character. So you slapped the name “Yoko” onto her, said she’s from Gurren Lagann; but what I’m reading is “Yoko becomes fat, and acts 100% uncharacteristic. Everyone else around her acts the exact same, feeding her past her limit, and some of them are even enjoying it.”
When you remove the personality of a character, it doesn’t even feel like I’m reading a story about that character anymore. It’s a total turn-off. I’ll read a story about a random character every now and then and I find it more enjoyable than one with a named, established character, even if it’s literally the exact same story.
This kinda turned more into “Characters with personality” trope, but I think the original ones still apply. Characters who lose their will/self control even when their personality, or the personalities of the people around them, wouldn’t possibly allow them to, aren’t really that character anymore, and more importantly, it just kind of becomes sad reading it, especially since most of the stories are always some sort of follow-up from a terrible situation.
Anyways, I think my point still stands. Of course, it does somewhat make sense for greed and loss of self control to come in this fetish; after all, we’re gaining weight here. You basically have to lose your self control for that to happen, especially if it’s fetish-related. The entire struggle of a fetish is trying to keep it under control, especially one like weight gain, since gaining weight is also an act of losing self control, even for the normal person. All of that being said, I’d like to see some weight gain stories that aren’t based on the loss of one’s will or their self control, and more on mutual respect between two people in a relationship. Let it be a little realistic, even if it’s in an unrealistic scenario! Let 'em gain a comical 100 pounds in one year and still be perfectly healthy! Just make it so that it’s two people who had agreed to this happening. Consent ain’t bad, y’know :^)