I did things a bit differently.
Default Game Resolution (816x624)
Game Resolution set to 1920x1080 (Plugins, Community_Basic lets you set the game resolution)
I just used a basic image viewer and use the scale tool, set to Nearest Neigboor, and had the target resolution be an even multiple of the base resolution (cut empty space so it’s not 397x427 but instead 100x200, then upscale normally to 500x1000).
The image has to be less than the set resolution to fit perfectly.
On another note, The image above by Sixes shows what I mean by hand. That white ‘effect’ does not look like her hand swishing, but like some weird cut-off.
Here’s a direct comparision between Sahary’s W2 Sprites in gif form. Left the normal one, cut, (notice how her feet position is not straight at all, the sprites move up and down), right edited so the feet match up at least somewhat.
Which brings me to the next point, are these the full drawings? They look like they were downscaled heavily. The flimmering on the sides are errant pixels, similar to a bad cut out tool’s remnants. The pixels on the feet do not match up. You can’t put the sprites perfectly over each other as the pixel number between them is inconsistent, despite their parts not changing. Also, she’s still leaning. That’s not perspective.
Here are the geometry lines for parts that are the same height when viewed upfront.
Notice how most of the red lines, other than some errant lines at least, are not straight at all? That’s not the perspective of said character standing slightly sideways, it just looks like she’s leaning left. Combine that with the green line, her direct angle, and she definitely leans sideways. Most others share the problem
Also, what isn’t visible here, as I’ve cut the sprites, is the free floating pixels present in these image as well.